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Pyramid Game Students work with their table.

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Presentation on theme: "Pyramid Game Students work with their table."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pyramid Game Students work with their table.
One student sits where he can see the screen and the rest of the table sits where they cannot see the screen. The person who sees the screen describes the word without using gestures, letters, part of the word, or “sounds like”. Each word the team guesses before the drum roll of the next word is worth one point. At the end of the slide the team will rotate chairs clockwise and then click to begin the next slide. The team with the most points at the end wins.

2 Abrasion Erosion Ice Wedging Sediment 1

3 Mechanical Weathering
Oxidation Mechanical Weathering Glacier 2

4 Wind Erosion Sand dune Deposition Chemical Weathering 3

5 Loess Stalactite Topsoil Conservation Plowing 4

6 Plucking Humus Landslide Renewable Resource 5

7 Soil Creep Tributary Continental Glacier 6

8 Mudflow Deflation Decomposer Contour Plowing 7

9 Permeable Delta Moraines Soil Conservation 8

10 Meander Kettle Loam Potential Energy 9

11 Groundwater Stalagmite Dust Bowl Valley Glacier 10

12 Till Bedrock Point Bar Kinetic Energy 11

13 Turbulence Drainage Basin Soil Horizon Long shore Drift 12

14 Oxbow Lake Cut bank Litter Subsoil 13

15 Porosity Rate of Weathering Mass Movement Carbonic Acid 14

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