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For Involuntary Transfers and Returns from Leave

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Presentation on theme: "For Involuntary Transfers and Returns from Leave"— Presentation transcript:

1 For Involuntary Transfers and Returns from Leave
Teacher Transfer Process Welcome and thank everyone for coming to the meeting Assure them how much we care and will support them in finding an assignment for the FY 2012 school year. For Involuntary Transfers and Returns from Leave

2 MCPS Careers Support What is MCPS Careers?
MCPS Careers is the online system for employees to search and apply for positions and to indicate interest in an interview at the job fairs. Employees log in to using their Outlook user name and password. What if I need help setting up my profile in MCPS Careers? Staff from OHRD and MCEA are available tonight during the Priority Placement meeting from 4 – 7 pm at Richard Montgomery High School to provide support.  Support is available in the Computer Lab – rooms 163 and 167. In addition, there is a video tutorial available on the website, that provides step-by-step directions on how to update your profile Announce that at tonight’s meeting we have additional staff members from OHRD available to provide support with using MCPS Careers and staff from MCEA to assist with resume writing. This slide defines MCPS Careers Teachers can go to the designated computer rooms for support at anytime from 4:00 to 7:00 PM TONIGHT

3 Why do we have the Teacher Transfer Process?
To ensure that priority placements (involuntary transfers and returns from leave) obtain appropriate positions Provide opportunities for employees to seek positions that are a match for their certification areas Allow teachers to make lateral moves in their current content areas Outside (external) candidates for positions are not hired until after all priority placements have obtained positions for the next school year.

4 How do teachers find positions?
Three Teacher Transfer Job Fairs Elementary School Job Fair All 131 elementary schools, Infants & Toddlers, Longview, PEP, Carl Sandburg Tuesday, April 12, 2011, 4–7 p.m. at Northwest High School Middle School Job Fair All 38 middle schools and the Department of Alternative Programs schools Wednesday, April 13, 2011, 4–7 p.m. at Albert Einstein High School High School Job Fair All 26 high schools, Department of Alternative Programs schools, Stephen Knolls, RICA, Rock Terrace, and Transition Department. Thursday, April 14, 2011, 3–6 p.m. at Rockville High School To Request an Interview at a Job Fair for a Posted Specific Position (Use MCPS Careers) Please log in to MCPS Careers as a Current Employee and simply apply to the specific position If you apply to a specific position, you do not also have to apply to the Job Fair posting. To Request an Interview at a Job Fair for Possible positions in the future at a school (Also Use MCPS Careers, but apply to the “Job Fair” posting for a school) Interviews can be requested between April 4, 2011 and April 8, 2011. Please log in to MCPS Careers as a Current Employee.  Choose the job that reads Job Fair, School Name and click apply- Interviews are by invitation.  If you are selected for an interview, you will be contacted by a representative from the school. Review locations of Job Fairs Request Interview Procedures When you request an interview, principals will be able to view any information you have added to your profile and determine whether your skills/experiences would be a strong match for the available positions.  If you have already applied to a Specific job posting at a school, you do not have to also apply to the Job Fair requisition. INTERVIEWS ARE BY INVITATION ONLY. According to Article 24, B2 (page 59) of the Contract Agreement between MCEA and the Board of Education, each school will attend the job fair scheduled for its level (elementary, middle, or high). Although some schools may not have vacancies at the time of the job fairs, principals should plan to conduct interviews to build a pool of potential candidates, in the event that a vacancy should occur prior to the final closing of the voluntary transfer season (July 21, 2010). Staff Returning From Leave……(*Please note:  When possible, employees returning from long term leave will be reassigned based on the determination of DRS staff that a vacancy exists within the returning employees' area of certification.)

5 Important Dates Monday, April 4 – Friday, April 8
Teachers make Job Fair interview requests using MCPS Careers Tuesday, April 12– Thursday, April 14 Teacher Transfer Job Fairs Tuesday, April 26 Voluntary Transfer Season begins Friday, April 29 State of Maryland deadline for non-tenured teachers to resign without prejudice Tuesday, May 31 Voluntary Transfer Season closes at 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, June 8 OHRD-OSP Priority Placement Meeting Thursday, June 9 Placements begin for Priority Placements Monday, June 20 Voluntary transfer season reopens for fields in which all priority placements have been placed Friday, July 15 State of Maryland deadline for tenured teachers to resign without prejudice Wednesday, July 20 Last day for voluntary transfers Go over all dates and what each deadline means

6 Suggested Steps for Each Teacher Transfer
Update Your Profile and resume through MCPS Careers Check MCPS Careers for vacancies starting NOW Request Job Fair Interviews using MCPS Careers between 4/4 and 4/8 If unable to secure an interview during the job fairs, continue to apply for positions in which you are qualified and interested Any teacher returning from leave or involuntary transferred who has not secured a position by June 8 will become a priority placement Once all priority placements have been assigned (June 20), voluntary transfer season will reopen and continue through July 20th

7 Elementary School Staffing
Staffing Contact Information Elementary School Staffing Helen Nixon Staffing Coordinator Elementary Teachers - in the following Clusters: Downcounty Consortium Northeast Consortium Sherwood Bethesda Chevy Chase Walter Johnson Walt Whitman Clarksburg Damascus Gaithersburg Magruder Watkins Mill French Immersion Art (K-12) Pearl Drain Northwest Poolesville Quince Orchard Richard Montgomery Rockville Seneca Valley Winston Churchill Wootton Chinese and Spanish Immersion Music: General & Instrumental (K-12) Reading Specialist (ES) Travis Wiebe MCPS Careers ( PE/Dance/Health (K-12) All Central Office Terry Waters, Staffing Assistant

8 Joan Beeler, Staffing Assistant
Staffing Contact Information Secondary School Staffing Jane Butler Staffing Coordinator Business Education ESOL (K-12) FACS Math ROTC Science Trade and Industry Rhonda Dedmond Alternative Programs Computer Science English/Drama Foreign Language Media Specialist (K-12) Reading Teacher (MS) Social Studies TV Production Technology Education Joan Beeler, Staffing Assistant

9 301-279-3010 Angela King, Staffing Assistant
Staffing Contact Information Special Education Staffing Rae Korade Staffing Coordinator Special Ed Teachers - in the following Clusters: Downcounty Consortium Northeast Consortium Sherwood Clarksburg Damascus Gaithersburg Magruder Watkins Mill Occupational Therapist Pupil Personnel Worker Resource Teacher (RTSE) Speech Pathologist Central Office (OSESS) Linda Johnson Downcounty Consortium – Wheaton only Bethesda Chevy Chase Northwest Poolesville Quince Orchard Richard Montgomery Rockville Seneca Valley Walt Whitman Walter Johnson Winston Churchill Wootton School Counselors/ Resource Counselors School Psychologists Social Workers Angela King, Staffing Assistant

10 Previous Questions & Answers
Can a teacher seek a position outside of their current position certification area? MCEA unit members interested in seeking positions outside of their current position certification area (e.g. special education to social studies) may attend the job fair, but MAY NOT be recommended to the Department of Recruitment and Staffing for hire unless a vacancy exists AFTER all involuntary transfers and teachers returning from leave have been placed. Can I indicate my preference for re-assignment (schools, subjects, geography)? Yes, employees can designate their preference for re-assignment through the online MCPS Careers system. This information can be entered into your Profile. Can a teacher seek Part-to-Full and Full-to-Part position? In accordance with the contract, such changes are only considered once the priority placements (involuntary and returnees from leave) have been placed in assignments. Part-time teachers seeking full-time positions and full-time teachers seeking part-time positions must apply to the appropriate requisition using MCPS Careers. - Log in to MCPS Careers using your Outlook user name and password - Search for the appropriate advertisement (Teachers: Change in hours, Part-time to full-time or Teachers: Change in hours, Full-time to part-time) - Read the description carefully before applying.  Review next two slides to provide the path to the Transfer webpage Is there a web site with information on the Teacher Transfer process? Yes, In addition, a copy of this PowerPoint presentation, FAQ’s, and contact information are also available on this webpage.

11 To Get Up-to-Date Information
Go to MCPS homepage Select For Staff tab… Then Human Resources Click Click On Human Resources web page, Select


13 Your Questions... Capture all NEW questions so we can communicate them on the website for staff who could not attend the meeting.

14 Support will be available in the Computer Lab – rooms 163 and 167.
Reminder MCPS Careers Support Available Now Staff from OHRD and MCEA are available tonight during the Priority Placement meeting from 4 – 7 pm at Richard Montgomery High School to provide support.  Support will be available in the Computer Lab – rooms 163 and 167. Announce that at tonight’s meeting we have additional staff members available to provide support with using MCPS Careers and staff from MCEA to assist with resume writing. Teachers can go to the designated computer rooms for support at anytime from 4:00 to 7:00 PM TONIGHT

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