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State of School Address

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1 State of School Address
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

2 The High School of Saint Thomas More exists to assist parents in forming students spiritually, morally, intellectually and physically in a Christ centered atmosphere of love, respect and reverence consistent with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, sending them forth to fulfill their baptismal call as His disciples in the world.

3 Attendance Policy Our daily student attendance rate has declined in the last 5 years (down to 94% in from 97% in ). Though this decline is not alarming, it is a concern. We ask that parents make a conscious effort to limit avoidable student absences (family trips, non-school activities, non-medical appointments, etc.). For these absences, we continue to require 5 day notification for absences to be excused. A medical note (specific to the dates of absence) will be required to excuse frequent absences (8 or more per semester). Absences beyond this threshold with no medical note will be considered unexcused. Any time a student receives an unexcused absence, the maximum credit that they will receive for any of that day’s collected homework or in-class assignments is 50%. Students who are unexcused do not receive an extension for work assigned during their absence. Tests and quizzes that are missed will be referred to the Academic Lab and will be taken after school on the day the student returns. Truancy will result in disciplinary action at the discretion of the administration.

4 What do we want our students’ dress to reflect?
The dignity of the human person by maintaining and promoting the virtue of modesty. The reality that the human person is a wonderful union between body and soul and that what we do with our body affects our soul. The pride and responsibility in personal appearance. The appreciation of students’ character and intellect, not what they wear. The neat and orderly environment conducive to learning. The unity and community of the High School of St. Thomas More.

5 Why are we making changes to the dress code?
In the fall, we convened a parent committee on the dress code. This panel was made up of parents of male and/or females students in every grade level. Throughout the year, this committee met to discuss the parent perspective on the dress code. After surveying all parents on the issues brought up in these meetings, this committee began to discuss possible changes to the dress code and to try on different pieces from uniform companies. The broadness of the current dress code does not mirror what we desire in a dress code. The cut of the current skirt is more appropriate for grade school girls, thus we are moving to a skirt that is appropriate for high school girls.

6 Changes to the uniform bottom
Pants and shorts must be purchased from C&A. Students may wear khaki, black or navy pants. Girls pants are available in two styles. Shorts are only available in khaki. Black or brown belts must be worn. Skirts are available in two patterns. One is reserved for freshmen and sophomores, one for juniors and seniors. Skirts must be purchased at C&A. Girls must wear solid black, white, navy or gray tights/pantyhose. Black or brown leather dress shoes must be worn. Students may not wear canvas shoes, tennis/gym shoes, shoes with open toes or open back, house slippers, work boots or casual boots.

7 Changes to the uniform top
Students will be able to wear the current polo (with logo) in white and Hunter green. In addition, students will also be able to wear navy blue and gray polos (with logos). White, Hunter green and navy polos may be purchased anywhere and brought to C&A for the logo. Gray shirts must be purchased from C&A. Students will be able to wear the current fleece and Nike half-zip pullover, but these will be discontinued at the end of the school year. Students may wear a heather gray or navy cardigan purchased at C&A.

8 The full dress code will be communicated to parents early next week
The full dress code will be communicated to parents early next week. At that time, the skirt fabric will also be unveiled.

9 One to One Technology To initiate and promote a classroom environment that allows students to interact with 21st century technology to enhance their learning experience in a Christ- centered Environment. What Does 1:1 Mean? 1:1 means every student owns a digital device for use throughout the school day. The use of this device will be specific to each classroom and teacher discretion. My Big Campus (MBC) is a Learning Management system that will be incorporated to better utilize the digital devices. Why Make this Change? This curriculum change will be better for our students and our teachers. Many of our students already have devices that they use on a daily basis. With technology in the hands of each student, teachers can more effectively develop critical thinking skills, while at the same time teach students appropriate educational uses of 21st century tools.

10 What does this mean for STM families and students?
Students will be expected to bring a device (laptop or tablet) for educational use during each school day. Select classes will be piloting MBC. Some students may use MBC for several classes; some students may not use MBC at all. Other classrooms will incorporate device use at the teacher’s discretion. Detailed information (FAQs, recommended specifications for devices, acceptable use guidelines) will be communicated to families in early June via and on the web.

11 We thank our parents and students for the successes of the past year
We thank our parents and students for the successes of the past year. These changes beginning in August will help us to continue to faithfully live out the mission of The High School of Saint Thomas More.

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