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Wilton Police Department Headquarters
The Wilton Police Department was built in 1974 for a police force of less than thirty officers. Today there are forty five officers and four full time civilian employees. The infrastructure is obsolete and degrading requiring constant maintenance and repairs. The Wilton Police Department was built in 1974 for a police force of less than thirty officers. Today there are forty five officers and four full time civilian employees. The infrastructure is obsolete and degrading requiring constant maintenance and repairs.
Wilton Police Department Headquarters
ISSUE: - Building was built in 1974 for a force of less than 30 males with no thought towards female officers. The department is currently comprised of 45 male and female officers. Deficiencies include: Building is overcrowded. Bathroom and locker room facilities for males have not been expanded. Facilities for women were constructed within existing space including hallway space. There are no public restrooms. Electrical systems do not meet the needs of a modern police force. The HVAC systems are outdated and inefficient and require increasing maintenance costs. Building is not ADA Compliant Booking area has become a common area which in addition to processing of criminals include processing of non criminals, computer server storage. Safety concerns. Juveniles must be processed and detained away from adults. No separate area currently exists. In 1974 a juvenile was defined as 15 and under. Now it is 17 and under. Efforts are underway within the state to increase the age of a juvenile. Emergency Operations Center also functions as an office for 5 sergeants, a briefing room, a meeting room, and a training room. Each time the EOC is required, appropriate furniture and equipments must be brought in and other moved aside. Investigative area inadequate to house detective and provide space for necessary equipment and interviews. Equipment must be moved around to provide an area for interviews. Safety issues associated with interviews in common areas.
Wilton Police Department Headquarters
PROPOSAL: A three person resident committee has been formed to work with Facilities Director Chris Burney to study the Town Campus and to develop a plan for the expected expansion and renovation of the police headquarters. The town previously commissioned a needs assessment study which put the cost of a new headquarters at $12,660,000. That amount has remained as a placeholder until a more refined cost can be determined. Bond up to $1,267,000 or 10% of the placeholder amount, to conduct and develop the necessary engineering and design studies and plans to bring a proposal to the Annual Town Meeting in May of 2018.
Rear entrance-handicap access-equipment storage area
This is the view from the rear entrance. The door on the right leads to the detective bureau room. Due to the lack of space, the vehicle equipment etc. is stored by the rear entrance. These shelves were built by one of the officers. The black cases are the radar units, defib units and laser units.
Back desk area for reports
The police department has two entrances. This is the rear entrance used by the majority of officers. It is accessed by the rear parking area exclusive to police vehicles. However, due to the lack of a handicap entrance, this rear entrance acts as the only handicap accessible entrance. This is the main entrance hallway. Please note the file cabinet to the left and just behind it is the main copy machine. The desk (far wall) is the Sergeants and patrolman desk used to access various programs, schedule, extra duty and to write and approve reports. The door offset to the far right is the entrance to the main communications area and the main lobby window. Please note the cinderblock walls which run through the exterior and interior walls, and the box shape design.
Perpetual ceiling leak
This is the rear entrance area. The door forward leads to the garage bays. The board to the right is used to post mandated notices. Please note the tile above. The stain is the result of a habitual water leak.
Main stairwell – top – evidence and found property storage area
This is a picture of the main stairwell. Please note this area is being used as an evidence/property storage area. It was also a work station where officers filled in there daily activity sheets.
Main stairwell – bottom – Union office
This is an area below the stairwell. It is used as a union office for the union membership.
Booking area – Also serves as area where citizen complaints are taken as well as public fingerprinting. Additionally, Main server room is located in the closet. This is another view of the “booking” area. To the left is the interview table and intoxolizer machine used for DUI arrests. The door forward is the main server room. The counter ahead is used to store supplies and an ink style fingerprint block (left counter). The door to the right is the entrance/exit to the security bay used to bring prisoners in and out. Just beyond the door on the right is the mug photo area. Please note the heat sensor and light fixtures.
Jail Cells – Does not satisfy Federal Guideline of keeping Juveniles separate by sight and sound from adult prisoners. This is the booking area. It is the main investigative access area. The door to the left is the holding area. The two doors ahead lead to the four holding cells. The door to the right is a closet that was transformed into the department’s main server room. Please note the light fixture and ceiling tile. Persistent problems with the roof have caused leaks and damage to various areas.
Obsolete Bathroom facilities in Jail cells
This is a holding cell. A prisoner can spend up to three days in one of these awaiting arraignment. The toilet and sink are original. Repair parts are no longer available. At one point, we only had one cell working. We were able to locate a plumber that had some old parts and made temporary repairs.
Booking area - holding cell - fingerprint scanning room
This is the digital fingerprint scanning unit used for both criminal and non-criminal investigations. It is also used as the prisoner processing room. The holding cage was installed in mid 2000 as a result of a officer safety issue. The small table to the left holds various electronic components and paperwork. Please note the heat sensor on the ceiling and the old style fluorescent lighting both of which are original components of the building.
four Detectives, two SROs and one Lieutenant
Detective Bureau- four Detectives, two SROs and one Lieutenant This is a view of the investigative wing from its doorway in the building’s rear hallway. The three visible doors to the left are a small coat closet, evidence room and equipment storage and processing room. The cabinets and file cabinets hold forms, equipment, drug test kits, a gun locker, printer and official papers such as warrants and legal paperwork. A door just past the file cabinets is a small room converted into the School Resource Officers (SRO)/youth office. There are two SRO’s that work in the closet sized office. The room straight and left is the detective lieutenant’s office. The room straight and right is the interview room. The walls on the right are the detective cubicles. Each detective (4) has their own cubicle to conduct interviews and investigations. There is no audio separation between them. Sensitive matters must be discussed elsewhere due to the lack of privacy.
four Detectives, two SRO’s and one Lieutenant
Detective Bureau- four Detectives, two SRO’s and one Lieutenant This is a view of the detective area from just outside its main doorway. To the left is the rear main entrance shown earlier. This photo shows one of the detective’s cubicle depicting the tight space and the room for one chair. Please note the ceiling and obsolete lighting. Also note the area on top of the wooden cabinets to the left which is used for additional storage.
Detective Bureau Interview Room
Detective Bureau Interview Room. Also serves as computer forensic exam room and electronic evidence storage. This is the “interview room” inside the detective bureau. It previously served as the youth officer’s office but due to state mandate, it was turned into an interview room. It also serves as an IT and computer forensic investigation area. Note the storage cabinet and monitor to the left. The board on the chair is used for department ID photos. It is placed on the chair since there is no room to permanently mount it.
Detective Bureau Interview Room
Detective Bureau Interview Room. Also serves as computer forensic exam room and electronic evidence storage. This is another view of the interview room. Note the sensors on the wall which are cameras and audio recording devices. The cabinet holds the forensic investigation equipment.
Office for two SRO’s This is a picture of the SRO office in the detective bureau. One SRO works at the area to the right while the other works on the left. This was a small closet sized room that was converted into an office. The entry door frame is in the left side of this photo.
Investigative processing and equipment storage room
This is the investigative equipment storage and equipment room. It depicts the lack of storage and an area to process evidence. It also holds fingerprinting equipment, camera/photography equipment along with other investigative tools. A small exterior window is just beyond the shelving on the left.
Investigative processing and equipment storage room
This is another view of investigative equipment storage and equipment room. It depicts the lack of storage and an area to process evidence. It also holds fingerprinting equipment, camera/photography equipment along with other investigative tools.
Indoor Evidence Room This is the evidence storage room noted in the investigative room photo. It is a small room that holds evidence as dictated by state regulation. There is evidence storage overflow in an external storage shed outside the building. A ventilation fan was installed recently due to the odor of marijuana permeating the investigative area. There was also a mold condition that contributed to the problem.
Evidence Room This is another view of the evidence room, taken from the doorway, illustrating its small size.
Evidence room ventilation issue
This is a photo of the antiquated main room exhaust fan and ceiling. Note the stain to the right. The switch on the wall is the control for the new internal vent that was added to the evidence room.
Women’s locker room This is the female officer locker room. It was converted from a storage room in the 1980’s with the advent of our first female officer. We currently have five female officers. The far area was recently converted to add more space. The far area of the photo was originally a narrow hallway leading to the basement archive room. Please note the ceiling which delineates where the old hallway was.
Women’s locker room This is another angle of the female officers locker room and how inadequate it is. There are no windows and very limited ventilation.
Men’s Locker Room This is a picture of the men’s locker room in the basement. There are no windows and inadequate ventilation serving 40 sworn officers. The lockers are original with the addition of others to meet the demand of added personnel. Please note the towel hung on the door so it can dry. Also note how low the ceiling in resulting in a claustrophobic affect.
Men’s Locker Room Another view of the small locker room. The forward door leads to the day room area.
Men’s Locker Room This is a picture of the men’s locker room depicting the ballistic vests airing out external to the lockers. This was taken standing in the bathroom area.
Men’s Locker Room- Bathroom
This is the men’s locker room bathroom. There is one toilet for the forty male officers. This photo was taken standing in the locker room. There is no separation between the bathroom and locker room. To the right is a shower.
Garage bays This is the garage bay area. It is used to store supplies, equipment, bicycle and garbage. The far wall contains individual equipment storage portholes for the patrol officers. Otherwise, they would be required to store their equipment in the personal vehicles or lug it down into the basement locker room.
Garage bays
Garage bays This is another view of the garage bays. There is insufficient room to store vehicles and/or other large pieces of evidence that must be protected and maintain the chain of evidence. Note the ceiling and the fire retardant insulation that is falling down.
Captain Office and Internal Affairs document storage
This is the patrol captain’s office. It is a small room (cinder block) with numerous storage cabinets. The cabinets to the left are used to store clothing and other misc. items and personnel records and internal affairs investigations. The far area behind the desk and left is the only window which is angled out and offers limited view and natural lighting. The exterior is exposed and open which radiates cold air during the colder months.
Patrol Lieutenant’s Office
This is a picture of the office shared by the two patrol lieutenants. This began as a small meeting room off the main lobby and was converted into an office by one of our members. Please note the inadequate room around the desks and file cabinets.
Patrol Lieutenant’s Office
This is another view of the lieutenants office. Please note the small window angled out to the right and the portable heater used to compensate for the cold as a result of the externally exposed areas below the window.
Break Room – Also serves as mail room, department forms storage, radio and body-worn camera charging. This area is in the basement level. The area to the left serves as mailboxes for the officers, radio charging area, body worn camera docking station, a computer work station, and book storage area. The room forward is the training office. The closet door in the rear of the training office holds supplies and equipment such as medical, books, CPR mannequins and law enforcement materials. The door to the right leads to the EOC/day room. Not seen in the photo to the right is a stove, refrigerator and counter area with a microwave oven.
EOC-Day Room-Training Room
This is the day room/EOC Town wide Emergency Operations Center which is in the basement. The ceiling area to the right are the only windows on the basement level. To the left is a conference type table area. The forward door leads to the break room. The board on the right is used for maps and notations. The area in the rear to the right is the Sergeant’s office (cubicle) used by the five Sergeants. The area in front is an office area shared by 30 officers. Please note the old lighting fixtures (original) and the TV's and make-shift equipment used for training and emergency operations.
EOC-Day Room-Training Room-Sergeant Office
This is the EOC/Day Room area which is also used as office space and for shift briefings. It also doubles as a training room. The screens in the rear are used for the EOC and training initiatives. The door to the rear left is a stairwell to the administrative area. The door to the right leads to the indoor range which has been shut down for several years due to inadequate ventilation.
Patrol Sergeant’s Office
This is the cubicle used by the five patrol sergeants located within the day room/EOC. Please note the inadequate space, radio charger and other electronic devices on the desk.
Indoor Shooting Range This is a picture of the indoor shooting range. It is very basic in design but does not meet the requirements due to distance to certify an officer. It also requires a major upgrade to meet OSHA standards.
Office Area Outside of Shooting Range
This is an office area immediately outside the range area. The officer that worked here had to leave whenever an officer used the range. It was also found to be affected by the smoke and dust particles from the range area. This area is no longer used as an office.
Men’s Upstairs Bathroom
This is the upstairs men’s room. Please note there is one toilet, a urinal and a small sink servicing 43 full time male employees. Also note the cramped size of the room. There is no public access.
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