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Findings and Discussion

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1 Findings and Discussion
The quantitative-qualitative data, from three stances; (questionnaire, student teachers’ and teachers’ interviews) generated invaluable findings as follows: B.S, January 2013

2 Cans and Can’t in Inquiry
«Enacting inquiry is portrayed ‘as a promising activity in educating student teachers, but only when it is done in a purposeful, deliberate and reflective way, embedded in a program that highlights inquiry of teaching as a continuous part of practice.» (Dobber, Akkerman, Verloop, Vermunt, 2012) B.S, January 2013

3 «According to Cochran-Smith and Lytle (1999), ‘teacher research’ incorporates all forms of practitioner inquiry that is systematic and deliberate aiming teacher’s critical self-study regarding the cases in all formal education settings and their programs.» B.S, January 2013

4 2. Student Teachers’ Awareness of Significance of Inquiry for Promoting Professional Development
«Located in teachers’ personal and professional lives, professional development is a serious business central to sustaining and promoting the quality of teachers.» (Day, 1999) B.S, January 2013

5 Varying Perspectives on Collaborative and Individual Research
S9 said that: «I prefer collaborative work because the parts that you can’t see your group friends can and this is an important point regarding the reliability of the research.» B.S, January 2013

6 Conclusion That student teachers need to be involved in inquiry for the betterment of their career and professional development. B.S, January 2013

7 Student teachers according to their point of view are mostly good at using research skills such as; interviewing, writing reports, referencing, using quotations, writing literature review etc. B.S, January 2013

8 Student teachers need to improve their research skills further especially in gaining awareness of dealing with statistical data and analysis of interviews and questionnaires. B.S, January 2013

9 By integrating more research courses, reconceptualizing the current curriculum is crucial for students’ provision of inquiry skills. B.S, January 2013

10 As it is strongly supported in the literature by scholars like
Recommendations As it is strongly supported in the literature by scholars like (Day1999, Cochran-Smith and Lytle, 1999;Berger, Boles, and Troen, 2005 Schulz and Mandzuk, 2005; Vander Linden et al., 2012) B.S, January 2013

11 To equip prospective teachers with the necessary skills and dispositions to be able to make inquiries so as to improve their own practice and demonstrate continuous professional development has been one of the most significant points in teacher education agendas. B.S, January 2013

12 Reconsideration of existing curriculum
Integrating more courses related to inquiry into curriculum Increasing course contact hours B.S, January 2013

13 Future Research A further in depth study can be conducted in the whole programs in the faculty of education for the comprehensive examination of prospective student teachers’ inquiry skills. B.S, January 2013

14 Prospective student teachers’ projects and research papers can also be examined to see their strengths and weaknesses in inquiry. B.S, January 2013

B.S 206 B.S, January 2013

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