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Employee Change Process

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1 Employee Change Process
Presenter: Laurie Gross

2 This presentation will be a very simple overview of our process.
However, if you have any questions during the presentation, please feel free to ask me.

3 Agenda: Overview of what the Employee Change Process is
Why was it given importance as a project How it works Additions to the process/project Hurdles & Challenges Questions/Comments

4 Overview of Employee Change Process

5 Basically, we needed a formal (documented) process that addresses Employee changes. This includes: new employees, departing employees and job position changes.

6 Why was it given importance as a project?

7 Previous documentation was scattered about and not centralized.
Employees work day interrupted because of not having access to programs/interfaces. They weren’t getting consistently updated. Other IT related issues were overlooked. Needed to be a project because of the time factor. Audit suggestion.

8 Approach to project How does it work?

9 How do we approach this that would best fit our organization?
Tossed around a few ideas and polled the SMUG group to see what they were doing. Came up with an idea to use an Excel sheet to keep track of interfaces and other IT related duties.


11 Was this too simple? What started out as a way to keep track of programs & interfaces, evolved into a reminder checklist for IT Department – that’s a good thing. Hard part was to gather the data to fill it in. Keep it simple – don’t gather procedures, just what needs to be done.

12 The Excel sheet works well as you can hide/freeze columns – roll them right next to each other. One glance to see what an employee needs. Works great for comparison changes – one employee migrates to another department. What needs to be dropped and what needs to be added.

13 Additions to the process/project

14 Like any IT project, it started to evolve
Like any IT project, it started to evolve. Another project was under way – the creation of a formal, automated process to request Symitar privileges for employees instead of using s & forwarding. This was being done by another individual in IT Department while I was working on this project. It was great timing. Sharepoint is the software for our employee portal.

15 A Sharepoint workflow was created to request a privilege or multiple privilege changes and can be used to request privilege changes in user interfaces/tools. In addition to being used to request “regular” privilege changes, it is now utilized for the employee change process. A current project is under way to start using Privilege Groups in Symitar…..long overdue! See me after this session if you use privilege groups in Symitar. What does the workflow look like….let’s see.

16 Employee/user clicks on the Shared Tab and then clicks on Symitar Privileges


18 Once the employee enters the necessary data and clicks the Save button, the workflow kicks off.
An is sent to the Manager or Supervisor that was selected. After they approve the request by modifying the Approval Status field, the request is moved on via an notification to Audit. After Audit approves it, a notification is sent to the IT Department and changes are made. The IT Department updates the status again, and an is generated stating that the user request has been completed.

19 Documentation is on the portal for reference and Auditing purposes.
Better audit trail of employee privilege changes.

20 Hurdles and Challenges

21 Was there hurdles and/or challenges during this project?
Absolutely A few were: Entering the data and making sure all items were listed. Some were missed but these are keyed in when discovered. Remembering to add new tools. Making sure everyone refers to the sheet when an employee change is implemented. Deciding which programmer will handle the code changes.

22 Did I miss anything? Summarize please.

23 To Summarize: This project works well for our branchless based model. This may not work for everyone but it works for us. It was long overdue but now that it is in operation, it’s working well for us. Things are still being tweaked. Having a formal process is good for employee workflow and organizational purposes.

24 Questions and/or Comments?????
Are we ready to get out of here and do The Hustle?

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