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An Extensible Simulator for Bus- and Directory-Based Coherence

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1 An Extensible Simulator for Bus- and Directory-Based Coherence
Allen Chen Deepak Souda Bhat Edward F. Gehringer North Carolina State University

2 Cache coherence One of the main issues in parallel architecture
Two main protocol types … Invalidate Update Examples of ethical analyses Extensible cache-coherence simulator

3 Two main architecture types
SMPs … snoopy protocols DSMs … directory-based protocols Extensible cache-coherence simulator

4 Simulator is trace driven
Reads a set of mem refs in this format 1 r a1663dc4 1 w a1663dc4 2 r a165d30c 2 r a1663dc4 Extensible cache-coherence simulator

5 CPU action  bus action CPU action, e.g., write a word
PrRd Triggers a bus action, e.g., invalidate other blocks BusRdX How this is implemented do CPU action for each other cache do bus action  method of cache class  method of main class  method of cache class Extensible cache-coherence simulator

6 Protocols supported MSI
Extensible cache-coherence simulator

7 Protocols supported MESI
Extensible cache-coherence simulator

8 Protocols supported MOESI
Extensible cache-coherence simulator

9 Protocols supported Firefly
Extensible cache-coherence simulator

10 Protocols supported Dragon
Extensible cache-coherence simulator

11 Example method—PrRd for MSI
void MSI::PrRd(ulong addr, int processor_number) { // Per-cache global counter to maintain LRU order among // cache ways, updated on every cache access current_cycle++; reads++; cache_line * line = find_line(addr); if (line == NULL) { // This is a miss read_misses++; cache_line *newline = allocate_line(addr); memory_transactions++; // State I --> S newline->set_state(S); // Read miss --> BusRd bus_reads++; sendBusRd(addr, processor_number); } Extensible cache-coherence simulator

12 PrRd for MSI (cont.) else { // The block is cached cache_state state; state=line->get_state(); if (state == I){ // The block is cached, but in invalid state. // Hence Read miss memory_transactions++; read_misses++; line->set_state(S); bus_reads++; sendBusRd(addr, processor_number); } else{ update_LRU(line); Extensible cache-coherence simulator

13 How directory-based protocols differ
Along with cache hierarchy, Cache MSI, MESI, Dragon, etc. a directory hierarchy Directory Full bit vector, SCI, SSCI, etc. Instead of bus actions, signal actions No BusRd, but SignalRd. No iteration over all other caches Directories receive Invalidation, Intervention messages Extensible cache-coherence simulator

14 Protocols supported FBV State transition for a cache
State transition for main memory Extensible cache-coherence simulator

15 Sample assignments Given MESI and Dragon, Given write-through,
implement MSI and Firefly Given write-through, implement MSI with and without BusUpgr implement Firefly Extensible cache-coherence simulator

16 Sample assignments, cont.
Given invalidation protocols, implement update protocols Given a bus-based MESI, implement directory-based MESI Reimplement closely related protocols as a superclass & subclass Hybridize two of the protocols, say, invalidation and update Extensible cache-coherence simulator

17 Assignments can study …
Vary protocol Vary cache size Vary block size Vary associativity Vary number of processors (dependent on trace) Extensible cache-coherence simulator

18 Summary Through coding cache actions, students learn how cache coherence really works. There are many different assignments you can give. You can use the simulator term after term, each time trying something new. Provides a good introduction to how architectural innovations are simulated. (But in much less detail, so results are quick.) Extensible cache-coherence simulator

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