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Year 5/6 introductory meeting

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1 Year 5/6 introductory meeting
Welcome Year 5/6 introductory meeting Aims for this evening: Know what SATS are and how children are tested. What we are doing to prepare and support your child How you can support and help your child. The reason for the New National Curriculum and the new assessments is to make sure they can read, write and use mathematics so they are ready to cope with the secondary curriculum (they call this ‘secondary ready’). The New National Curriculum has the ethos that children need to be secure and confident in skills and ensure all gaps are filled in their learning before moving them on.

2 Moving into Y5/6 Developing independence Listening skills
Increased expectation in both behaviour and amount of work produced Homework expectation- preparation for secondary school Increased responsibility as role models for younger children

3 How do we cater for a mixed Y5/6?
Differentiated activities- work of varied ability levels- up to four ways Split inputs- quality first teaching within small groups- very good listening skills required Flexible groupings Challenge choice approach Two year rolling programme within Topic lessons Planning is adapted and changed to suit children and abilities Skills are regularly revisited through different content and activities

4 Timestable Rockstars In either paper form or online, Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. Each week concentrates on a different times table, with a recommended consolidation week for rehearsing the tables that have recently been practiced every third week or so. Each child will have their own username and password and will be allocated an avatar.

5 Timestable Rockstars

6 Arithmetic Practising the formal arithmetic methods leads to success in Maths. Here are some suggested books your child could work through at home to help their arithmetic abilities.

7 Reading expectations Encouraging your child to read on a regular basis has a huge impact on both their comprehension abilities as well as their writing. As teachers, it is obvious to us who regularly reads at home and who doesn’t. We would expect your child to read at least 4 times a week for at least 30 minutes. We can provide a suggested reading list for your child’s age group if you would like.

8 Spelling Three way flexible challenge choice
Weekly homework activity linked to spellings Children need to show the strategies they are using to learn the spellings in their homework books- not on paper left at home! Please refer to Spell Well booklets (in your child’s homework book) for ideas Connect 4 Tested through dictated sentences

9 Homework Homework will be set on a Wednesday and is due back in the following Monday. Homework will be of a variety of forms: PAG and Spellings Times tables practice Reading comprehension activities Linked to our learning muscles Research If your child ever needs help with their homework please encourage them to come and ask- we are always happy to help. If there is ever a reason as to why your child is not able to complete their homework please let us know.

10 PE Kit, Art Shirts, Coats PE Wednesday & Friday. Please ensure your child has their kit in school at all times as we will also be taking part in the Golden Mile. At the moment we are introducing a more active approach to all our learning linked to the 30/30 programme. A note from a parent will be required for your child to be excluded from a PE lesson. Please send an art shirt in with your child to use throughout the year. We will be increasing the amount of outdoor learning during this year so please ensure your child comes to school with a coat/ warm clothing when the weather turns.

11 Any questions?

12 Year 6 SATs Information Standard Assessment Tests
What are SATs? Standard Assessment Tests At the end of Year 2 and Year 6 Aims for this evening: Know what SATS are and how children are tested. What we are doing to prepare and support your child How you can support and help your child. The reason for the New National Curriculum and the new assessments is to make sure they can read, write and use mathematics so they are ready to cope with the secondary curriculum (they call this ‘secondary ready’). The New National Curriculum has the ethos that children need to be secure and confident in skills and ensure all gaps are filled in their learning before moving them on.

13 What is tested during SATs week?
Reading Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG) Maths – Arithmetic and Reasoning Writing is assessed by teachers; the children build up a portfolio throughout the year which may be externally moderated in June. Spelling is now assessed as part of the writing assessment so editing and dictionary skills are vital. Teachers will also need to make a teacher assessment of what the children can do independently on a day-to- day basis for each of the areas as well as Science. Writing is not tested as a paper but evidence needs to be collect to prove they are at the standard, below the standard or working in greater depth Teachers will also need to make a teacher assessment of what the children can do independently on a day-to-day basis for each of the areas – reading, writing, maths and science The teacher assessment will use a framework which sets out what the children can do. We will need to prove that the children are: Working at the standard Working below the standard (early foundations, early development, growing development) Working in greater depth (only in writing)

14 SATS Week All tests will be held in the morning
All tests take place in the morning. Do NOT book any holidays before or on this week. There are special circumstances if your child is ill – a doctor’s note will be required.

15 Tests and Marks Subject Area Marks Time English Reading 50 marks
1 hour Spelling 20 marks Approx 15 mins Grammar & Punctuation 45 minutes Maths Arithmetic 40 marks 30 minutes Reasoning Paper 1 35 marks 40 minutes Paper 2

16 English SATs- Reading Test
Tuesday 14th May 60 minutes (reading and answering). Around 36 questions. Mix of fiction, non-fiction and poetry - no common theme. Reading for understanding, responding with opinions. Made up of 3 different texts (1500 – 2300 words) – the first text is the easiest and the final text challenges the most able readers. Main changes are the level of texts and amount of reading Children need to be able to speed read so that they can read and answer the questions thoroughly Children need to read the questions carefully – tick one / tick two etc They need to explain their answers using information, quotes from the text – e.g.I think _________ because it says in the text… _________ Children also need to skim and scan to find and check information quickly and refer back to the text to help them 1500 – 2300 words to read in approximately 20 mins (Need to be reading around 150 words per minute) The more reading (of age appropriate books) they read every day will be the best practise (this will develop reading speed, understanding and vocabulary) Children will and do already get a lot of practise at reading and discussing texts – weekly focus The texts will get gradually harder There will be more of a focus on fictional texts Children practise their comprehension of texts and discuss a wide range of texts each week The children will lots of opportunities to practise the style questions and style of texts this term (learn skills to cope with the paper) so they will be well prepared.

17 English SATs- Reading Quick answers
Children can pick up quick marks – children should not spend too much time on these Importance of understanding vocabulary Children can pick up quick marks – children should not spend too much time on these. Importance of understanding vocabulary.

18 English SATs- Reading Quick answers
Children can pick up quick marks – children should not spend too much time on these Children can pick up quick marks – children should not spend too much time on these

19 English SATs- Reading More complex answers
Children need to explain their answers very clearing using information from what they have read to show their understanding. I think this ______ because in the text it says _________ Children need to explain their answers very clearly using information from what they have read to show their understanding. I think ______ because in the text it says _________

20 English SATs- Reading More complex answers
Children need to explain their answers very clearing using information from what they have read to show their understanding. I think this ______ because in the text it says _________

21 English SATs- Grammar and Punctuation
Around 50 short questions More focus on grammatical vocabulary There is now a greater focus on knowing and applying grammatical terminology and a full range of punctuation. Children need to know vocabulary such as noun, adjective, verb, pronoun, conjunction, adverb, adverbial phrase, subordinate clause etc. You can help by noticing punctuation and grammar when reading with them. Recap on word classes – e.g. how many nouns can you see? Which adjective is used to describe the house? This year it has a greater focus on knowing and applying grammatical terminology with the full range of punctuation tested Children have been working hard on this for the last two years, we are doing everything we can to prepare them (daily GAPS focus, teaching through reading and writing) Children need to know the vocabulary such as noun, adjective, verb, pronoun, conjunction, adverb etc They have lots of practise in all English lessons You can help by noticing punctuation and grammar when reading Recap on word classes – how many nouns can you see?

22 English SATs- Grammar and Punctuation

23 English SATs- Grammar and Punctuation
Focus on sentence structure Main clauses Subordinate clauses (including relative clauses) Phrases Children are very familiar with this terminology

24 English SATs- Grammar and Punctuation

25 English SATs- Grammar and Punctuation

26 English SATs- Spelling
20 words. No official time limit (20 minutes approx). Words taken from the Year 3 / 4 and Year 5/6 spelling lists in the new curriculum and other words following the patterns being taught and learnt for homework. The children have weekly spelling sessions and we spend dedicated time editing our writing by carefully rereading and using dictionaries. Children need different ways of learning to spell words. Similar to the old spelling test Words often including word endings ed, ing, er, est, ous, tion, ly, Common exception words Silent letters The words (spellings) are read as a passage so the teacher reads the passage aloud and children need to write in the missing word. Children have been working hard learning the statutory spelling lists and practising the spelling patterns that they will be tested on so they can apply their skills to any words. We are using a new spelling scheme called ‘Get Spelling’ which helps children understand how words are spelt and gives them lots of practise and strategies to help them remember the correct spelling and spelling patterns so they can apply it to other words, not just memorising the spellings

27 English SATs- Spelling
This is a teachers script The teacher will read the spelling, then read a sentence with the word in context then repeat the word again The children will have the sentence with a space for them to write the spelling in Children need to listen to the sentence in ensure they are using the correct spelling of the word for the correct meaning

28 What we are doing to help your child…
Daily English lessons Focussed sessions in small groups. Weekly spelling practice. Weekly reading practice and silent reading time. Extended writing across many subjects. Lessons to purely focus on grammar, punctuation and spelling each week and consolidated with homework. New spelling programme will help to focus on spelling patterns and build condfidence

29 English SATs- What can you do to help?
Read age appropriate books EVERY DAY together and discuss reading books. Learn the words from the KS2 Spelling Lists. Encourage children to complete English homework / revision and edit work – read from the end for spellings. Help them to develop their vocabulary – even watching a TV programme together can help. Any extra support, help, questions or worries please see Miss Geeson or Mrs Longden Books that are appropriate for Year 6 Reading at least a chapter every day Children need to be able to read at around 150 – 200 words per minute and the paper will have approximately 1600 – 2300 words across the three texts Parents: List of age appropriate books has been sent home already Spelling lists for year 3 and 4, year 5 and 6 Spelling patterns are available on the school website

30 40 marks 36 questions in 30 minutes
Maths SATs 3 test papers Paper A Arithmetic – quick questions 40 marks 36 questions in 30 minutes Knowledge of number. Accuracy of 4 operations x ÷ Fluency with number facts including times tables to 12x12, square, cubed and prime numbers. Fractions, decimals and percentages. Big focus on mental strategies. Arithmetic paper A – quick questions Reasoning Paper B and C – application of skills

31 Maths SATs – Arithmetic
Children have room to work out their answers Most questions are only worth one mark so they do not get marks for working out Children need to be able to set their work out quickly and accurately Children do not need to show their working out if they can do it mentally The children will be a lot quicker if they have a secure understanding of their times tables and know the corresponding division facts

32 Maths SATs – Reasoning Paper B + C Reasoning
35 marks in 40 minutes on each paper Problem solving and reasoning in: Knowledge of number Accuracy of 4 operations - addition, subtraction, multiplication, division Fluency with number facts including times tables to 12x12, square, cubed and prime numbers Fractions, decimals and percentages Ratio and proportion Algebra Measurement Geometry – shape, direction and position Focus on application of skills in different contexts 1 and 2 steps problems We encourage the children to do the formal methods for the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) as if they use these methods and get the answer wrong, then they can still get 1 mark for their working out and making 1 error. Children have worked hard to secure their knowledge on the four operations. (Do we need to send formal methods cards home?)

33 Maths SATs – Reasoning- making links and applying what they know.

34 Maths SATs – Reasoning

35 What we are doing to help your child…
Daily maths sessions. Focus on basic skills for arithmetic. Lots of practice of problem solving and reasoning including explaining their reasoning. Morning mathematical challenges and quick revision. Timestable Rockstars My Maths website revision and games linked to homework and class consolidation. Regular progress checks and assessments. Small focussed groups. Children will have / and have already had lots of practise at the type of questions that might come up on both the arithmetic and reasoning papers.

36 Maths SATs- What can you do to help?
Times tables and corresponding division facts. Number bonds, doubles, halving. Real life maths- shopping totals and change. Practice papers. Tell the time – real life problems. Converting measures – imperial and metric.

37 Grading and Scoring Mid June deadline for teacher assessments
Before the end of the summer term we will be informed of the results which will then be sent to you. Online marking. Children will get a scaled score, raw score and whether they have met the required standard scaled score, which is set at 100. We will not know what the threshold is (pass mark) until all of the SATS have been collected and marked externally. Their papers will be marking online again this year. We encourage the children not to use rubbers and cross out instead if they have made a mistake so that it is clear to the marker that is what needs to be marked. Scaled scores help test results to be reported consistently from one year to the next. National curriculum tests are designed to be similar as possible year on year, but slight differences in difficulty will occur between years. Scaled scores maintain their meaning over time so that two pupils achieving the same scaled score in different years will have demonstrated the same attainment. For KS2 tests a scaled score of 100 will always represent the ‘expected standard’. A pupils scaled score will be based on their raw score. The raw score is the total number of marks a pupil receives in a test. The pupils raw score will be translated into a scaled score using a conversion table.

38 Confidence Building Children are encouraged to ask for the question to be read to them in SPAG and Maths tests. Anything from the Reading paper can be read aloud by the child. We will be having a SATS trial run during the week of 1st April when we will prepare the children by assessments being done in the hall in SATs-like conditions. There will be numerous members of staff around for children to speak to if they are at all concerned about anything.

39 Any questions?

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