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Monday 15th March 2010 Mind Mapping Flow Diagrams Proofreading.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday 15th March 2010 Mind Mapping Flow Diagrams Proofreading."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday 15th March 2010 Mind Mapping Flow Diagrams Proofreading

2 Mind Mapping What do we mean by Mind Mapping?
What are the advantages of mind mapping? How do we record the results?

3 Mind Mapping



6 Mind Mapping Complete a mind map considering all of the requirements that you need to think about to make a cup of tea.

7 Questions?

8 Flow diagrams What is a flow diagram? Why do we use flow diagrams?
When do we use flow diagrams?

9 An example of a flow diagram


11 Where can we find flow diagram symbols?

12 Exercise Draw a flow diagram of the process of making a cup of tea.

13 Questions?

14 Proofreading Why is it important to proofread a document?
What are you looking for when proofreading a document? How many times should you proofread a document? When should you proofread a document?


16 Proofreading exercise
Complete the exercise on the handout. How many alterations are required?

17 Questions?

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