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Imperialism chapter 24.

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1 Imperialism chapter 24

2 Control of Traders Could conquer territories without government knowledge Became involved in local political struggles Monopoly of trade granted by home governments (EX: Dutch East India, British East India)

3 The Dutch & Java Early 1600’s: Dutch traders paid tribute to sultans
1670’s: series of local wars, Dutch backed victors Dutch demanded territory to govern Created a pattern until 1750 when Dutch controlled all of Java

4 Colonial Society in Java Beginning
Social systems left in-tact Traders & Officials formed new class Adopted indigenous forms of architecture Moved from cities to open land Adopted styles of dress, work habits and food Relationships b/w European men and Asian women acceptable through 18th century

5 Indigenous & European government partnerships (Europeans had final say)
Refusal to spread Christianity

6 Social Reforms begin 1770’s:corruption required reforms in trading companies (nabobs) Britain imposed political reforms: reduced power of local British administrators Cornwallis: Yep, same guy that lost the American Revolution..instituted widespread reforms in British territories

7 Industrial Rivalries 1870-1914
Early 19th century: Britain dominated European/American powers Late 19th century: European and American powers challenge British power Recurring economic depressions - white settler colonies (EX: Australia) Improved communication allowed for more home government control Mass Journalism & extension of the vote influenced foreign policy Empires became a source of national pride

8 Colonial Wars Major factors: Science & Technology…advantages over colonized peoples Machine gun, advancements in metallurgy, steam power Did not crush resistance to colonization (Zulus vs British)

9 Types of Colonies Tropical Dependencies: (Africa, Asia, S. Pacific) small # of Europeans ruled over large indigenous population Settlement Colonies: (Canada & Australia) descendents of Europeans were majority after indigenous people died off Combination Tropical/Settlement: (Hawaii, Kenya) Climate attractive to Europeans, clashes & rivalries between native populations and Europeans

10 Colonialism Colonizers use ethnic divisions to their advantage
Administration carried out at local level by indigenous E. African and Asian subordinates were Western educated (creates problems later..they “get too smart”) W. and S. African education NOT promoted due to racial prejudice

11 Social Relations in the 19th & 20th centuries
More women move to colonies Relations b/w European men and native women looked down upon. (laws passed to ban this) Contacts b/w upper-class women and natives kept to a minimum White racial supremacy attitude Colonists created “little Europes”..housing, clothing, customs

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