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Turning the Tables on Fossil Fuels

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Presentation on theme: "Turning the Tables on Fossil Fuels"— Presentation transcript:

1 Turning the Tables on Fossil Fuels
Divestment as one congregation’s approach Greg Powell

2 What Is Climate Justice?
Some countries acquired great wealth by burning fossil fuels

3 What Is Climate Justice?
A completely different set of countries will underwrite that wealth

4 What Is Climate Justice?

5 Why Do I Care? Concern for others

6 Why Do I Care? Preserve sources of joy, connection

7 Why Do I Care? Preserve sources of joy, connection

8 Why Do I Care? Preserve sources of joy, connection

9 Why Do I Care? Climate chaos moves us further from fulfilling the commonwealth of God

10 Why Do You Care? Form pairs (triads if necessary)
What is one thing that worries you about climate chaos? What is one opportunity you see in addressing climate justice? Name one thing you want to protect from a changing climate

11 What Can Congregations Do?
Reduce footprint Lobby elected representatives Support civil disobedience/disobedients Make climate the election issue Work to change the underlying structures

12 What Can Congregations Do?
Like Jesus, work to change the system

13 Divesting from Fossil Fuels
Sell holdings in largest 200 fossil fuel companies Initiated by Commitments from 27 post-secondary 42 cities 74 religious inst’ns 31 foundations 19 others

14 Divesting from Fossil Fuels
United Church of Christ - national Unitarian Universalist Association United Methodist Church, USA Church of Sweden United Reform Church of Scotland Uniting Church in Australia Assembly

15 Why Divest? Communicate how serious we are
Effective during South African apartheid Largest divestment movement in history Highlight moral bankruptcy Highlight lost social license Turn the tables of energy-economic system

16 Turning the Tables Energy transition is about shifting power
From competition to cooperation From concentration to distribution From destruction to creation From a few wealthy to a commonwealth From exile to home

17 How Trinity-St. Paul’s Divested
Long-standing commitment to climate justice (& indigenous rights) Hired a convenor Discerned next steps Broad engagement Identified movement Researched unknown areas Continual updates Feb 2014 unanimous vote, GC proposals Fossil Free Faith webinar May 5

18 “If it’s wrong to wreck the planet, it’s wrong to profit from that wreckage”
“We are live with respect in Creation” A New Creed

19 “All creation is good. We sing of the Creator, who made humans to live and move and have their being in God. In and with God, we can direct our lives toward right relationship with each other and with God.” A Song of Faith

20 People and all creatures are counting on us, at this moment

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