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Next Generation Capsid Inhibitor: GS–CA1

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1 Next Generation Capsid Inhibitor: GS–CA1
Small molecule inhibitor active at nanomolar concentrations Active against most clades, and viruses resistant to other ART Resistance can develop, but fitness may be impaired Tse #38

2 Bictegravir – Investigational INSTI
T ½ ~ 18 hours – QD dosing Metabolized through CYP3A4 + UGT/A1 – OK to use if CrCL >15 mL/min Susceptible to cation binding in GI tract – similar to other INSTI Resistance profile may be similar to DTG BIC is in clinical development co-formulated with tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) and emtricitabine (FTC) Custodio #40

3 Virologic Outcomes at Weeks 24 and 48 by FDA Snapshot
BIC + FTC/TAF DTG + FTC/TAF % Treatment Difference (95% CI) -12% 12% Wk 24 Wk 48 Favors DTG + FTC/TAF BIC + FTC/TAF Week 24 Week 48 Patients, % Virologic Success Virologic Failure No Data Virologic Success Virologic Failure No Data No INSTI or NRTI treatment-emergent resistance through Week 48 A/E and changes in CrCl similar between the 2 arms Sax #41

4 TDF/FTC or ABC/3TC + DOR 100 vs DRV/r 800/100
Drug-related A/E similar 2 pts with NNRTI resistance in DOR arm Molina 45LB

5 Elsulfavirine – Investigational NNRTI
Phase III, double blind Elsulfavirine 20mg QD vs. EFV 600mg QD both with TDF/FTC 120 pts, HIV RNA 4.81, CD4 360 Drug-related A/E- 37% ESV vs. 78% EFV. Abnormal dreams ¼ in ESV Murphy 452 LB

6 DTG + 3TC Maintenance First regimen, no BL resistance, <50 c/mL for >2 years Open label change 3rd drug to DTG for 8 weeks, then to DTG 50mg + 3TC 300mg 104 pts, 86% male Joly #458

7 2 Drug Maintenance with DTG+RPV- SWORD Studies
Screening Early switch phase Late switch phase Continuation phase VL <50 c/mL on INI, NNRTI, or PI + 2 NRTIs 1:1 DTG + RPV (N=513) DTG + RPV DTG + RPV ART (N=511) Day 1 Week 52 Week 148 Primary endpoint at 48 weeks: % VL <50 c/mL Inclusion criteria On stable ART >6 months 1st or 2nd ART with no change in prior regimen due to VF Confirmed HIV-1 RNA <50 c/mL during prior 12 months HBV negative Llibre #44LB

8 Association Between CVD and Cumulative PI use
Ryom 128LB

9 Should We Focus on Cardiac Risk of Individual Antiretrovirals?
A model of CVD risk developed in a Dutch cohort of 8,791 patients The model was then used to estimate effectiveness of interventions if implemented in 2017, up to 2030. Van Zoest 129

10 What Modifiable CVD Factors Should Be Addressed?
¹Dutch Cohort – HTN & Lipids, Smoking ²North Am. Cohort – Smoking, HTN, Lipids 1. Van Zoest 129; 2. Althoff 130

11 Prednisone Primary Prophylaxis for TB IRIS
Placebo controlled in pts with TB starting ART. Mean CD4 ~50 Prednisone 40 mg/D x 2 wk, 20mg/D x 2 wk Pred. PLA % IRIS 32 47 # Days to IRIS 10 8 # Hospitalized for IRIS 5 9 # New AIDS 11 18 p=0. 002 RIF decreases Prednisone level by ~50%, may need to give higher dose Meintjes 81LB

12 High Dose Liposomal AmpB for Cryptococcal Meningitis
For 1st episode CM. All pts get Fluconazole 1200mg/D for 14 days plus varying Liposomal AmpB doses LPs done at Days 0, 3, 7,14 to measure fungal clearance Liposomal AmpB Arms: Control 3mg/kg/D x14 3 Doses 10mg/kg/D1 5mg/kg/D 3&7 2 Doses 10mg/kg/D1 5mg/kg/D3 1 Dose 10mg/kg/D1

13 High Dose Liposomal AmpB - Results
A Phase III trial of Flu 1200 mg/kg + AmpBDC 0.7/mg/kg/14D or Lip AmpB 10mg/kg/1D is planned Jarvis #82

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