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Introduction to parallel algorithms
COT 5405 – Fall 2006 Introduction to parallel algorithms Ashok Srinivasan Florida State University
Outline Background Primitives Algorithms Important points
Background Terminology Communication cost model Time complexity
Speedup Efficiency Scalability Communication cost model
Time complexity Parallel computation
A group of processors work together to solve a problem Time required for the computation is the period from when the first processor starts working until when the last processor stops Sequential Parallel - bad Parallel - ideal Parallel - realistic
Other terminology Speedup: S = T1/TP Efficiency: E = S/P
Work: W = P TP Scalability How does TP decrease as we increase P to solve the same problem? How should the problem size increase with P, to keep E constant? Notation P = Number of processors T1 = Time on one processor TP = Time on P processors
Communication cost model
Processes spend some time doing useful work, and some time communicating Model communication cost as TC = ts + L tb L = message size Independent of location of processes Any process can communicate with any other process A process can simultaneously send and receive one message
I/O model We will ignore I/O issues, for the most part
We will assume that input and output are distributed across the processors in a manner of our choosing Example: Sorting Input: x1, x2, ..., xn Initially, xi is on processor i Output xp1, xp2, ..., xpn xpi on processor i xpi < xpi+1
Primitives Reduction Broadcast Gather/Scatter All gather Prefix
Reduction -- 1 Tn = n-1 + (n-1)(ts+tb) Sn = 1/(1 + ts + tb)
x1 Compute x1 + x xn x2 xn x3 x4 Tn = n-1 + (n-1)(ts+tb) Sn = 1/(1 + ts + tb)
Reduction -- 2 Tn = n/2-1 + (n/2-1)(ts+ tb) + (ts+ tb) + 1
x1 Reduction-1 for {x1, ... xn/2} xn/2+1 Reduction-1 for {xn/2+1, ... xn} Tn = n/2-1 + (n/2-1)(ts+ tb) + (ts+ tb) + 1 = n/2 + n/2 (ts+ tb) Sn ~ 2/(1 + ts+ tb)
Reduction -- 3 Apply reduction-2 recursively
xn/2+1 x1 Reduction-1 for {x1, ... xn/2} Reduction-1 for {xn/2+1, ... xn} xn/4+1 xn/2+1 x3n/4+1 x1 Reduction-1 for {x1, ... xn/4} Reduction-1 for {xn/4+1, ... xn/2} Reduction-1 for {xn/2+1, ... x3n/4} Reduction-1 for {x3n/4+1, ... xn} Apply reduction-2 recursively * Divide and conquer Tn ~ log2n + (ts+ tb) log2n Sn ~ (n/ log2n) x 1/(1 + ts+ tb) Note that any associative operator can be used in place of +
Parallel addition features
If n >> P * Each processor adds n/P distinct numbers Perform parallel reduction on P numbers TP ~ n/P + (1 + ts+ tb) log P Optimal P obtained by differentiating wrt P Popt ~ n/(1 + ts+ tb) If communication cost is high, then fewer processors ought to be used E = [1 + (1+ ts+ tb) P log P/n]-1 * As problem size increases, efficiency increases * As number of processors increases, efficiency decreases
Some common collective operations
Broadcast A B C D A, B, C, D Gather A A, B, C, D B C D Scatter A B C D A, B, C, D All Gather
Broadcast T ~ (ts+ Ltb) log P L: Length of data x7 x8 x1 x1 x2 x3 x4
Gather/Scatter Gather: Data move towards the root
Note: Si=0log P–1 2i = (2 log P – 1)/(2–1) = P-1 ~ P x18 4L x14 x58 2L 2L x12 x34 x56 x78 L L L L x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 Gather: Data move towards the root Scatter: Review question T ~ ts log P + PLtb
All gather x7 x8 x3 x4 x5 x6 L x1 x2 Equivalent to each processor broadcasting to all the processors
All gather x78 x78 x34 x34 2L x56 x56 L x12 x12
All gather x58 x58 x14 x14 2L x58 x58 L 4L x14 x14
All gather Tn ~ ts log P + PLtb 2L L 4L x18 x18 x18 x18 x18 x18 x18
Review question: Pipelining
* Useful when repeatedly and regularly performing a large number of primitive operations Optimal time for a broadcast = log P But doing this n times takes n log P time Pipelining the broadcasts takes n + P time Almost constant amortized time per broadcast if n >> P n + P << n log P when n >> P Review question: How can you accomplish this time complexity?
Sequential prefix Input Output Algorithm Values xi , 1 < i < n
Xi = x1 * x2 * ... * xi, 1 < i < n * is an associative operator Algorithm X1 = x1 for i = 2 to n Xi = Xi-1 * xi
Parallel prefix Input Output Define f(a,b) as follows
Processor i has xi Output Processor i has x1 * x2 * ... * xi Define f(a,b) as follows if a == b Xi = xi, on Proc Pi else compute in parallel f(a,(a+b)/2) f((a+b)/2+1,b) Pi and Pj send Xi and Xj to each other, respectively a < i < (a+b)/2 j = i + (a+b)/2 Xi = Xi*Xj on Pi Xj = Xi*Xj on Pj Divide and conquer f(a,b) yields the following Xi = xa *... * xi, Proc Pi Xi = xa *... * xb, Proc Pi a < i < b f(1,n) solves the problem T(n) = T(n/2) (ts+tw) => T(n) = O(log n) An iterative implementation improves the constant
Iterative parallel prefix example
Algorithms Linear recurrence Matrix vector multiplication
Determine each xi, 2 < i < n
Linear recurrence Determine each xi, 2 < i < n xi = ai xi-1 + bi xi-2 x0 = x0, x1 = x1 Sequential solution for i = 2 to n Follows directly from the recurrence This approach is not easily parallelized
Linear recurrence in parallel
Given xi = ai xi-1 + bi xi-2 x2i = a2i x2i-1 + b2i x2i-2 x2i+1 = a2i+1 x2i + b2i+1 x2i-1 Rewrite this in matrix form x2i x2i+1 x2i-2 x2i-1 b2i a2i a2i+1 b2i b2i+1 + a2i+1 a2i Ai Xi-1 Xi Xi = Ai A i A1X0 This is a parallel prefix computation, since matrix multiplication is associative Solved in O(log n) time
Matrix-vector multiplication
c = A b Often performed repeatedly bi = A bi-1 We need same data distribution for c and b One dimensional decomposition Example: row-wise block striped for A b and c replicated Each process computes its components of c independently Then all-gather the components of c
1-D matrix-vector multiplication
c: Replicated A: Row-wise b: Replicated Each process computes its components of c independently Time = Q(n2/P) Then all-gather the components of c Time = ts log P + tb n Note: P < n
2-D matrix-vector multiplication
B0 C1 A10 A11 A12 A13 B1 C2 A20 A21 A22 A23 B2 C3 A30 A31 A32 A33 B3 Processes Pi0 sends Bi to P0i Time: ts + tbn/P0.5 Processes P0j broadcast Bj to all Pij Time = ts log P0.5 + tb n log P0.5 / P0.5 Processes Pij compute Cij = AijBj Time = Q(n2/P) Processes Pij reduce Cij on to Pi0, 0 < i < P0.5 Total time = Q(n2/P + ts log P + tb n log P / P0.5 ) P < n2 * More scalable than 1-dimensional decomposition
Important points Efficiency
Increases with increase in problem size Decreases with increase in number of processors Aggregation of tasks to increase granularity Reduces communication overhead Data distribution 2-dimensional may be more scalable than 1-dimensional Has an effect on load balance too General techniques Divide and conquer Pipelining
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