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Phylum Echiuroidea.

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1 Phylum Echiuroidea


3 Phylum Echiuroidea (e-key-ur-oid'-ee-ah): These worms have an unsegmented body. Water is pumped through their U-shaped burrow causing food to be trapped in the mucus net at the opening of the burrow.   


5 A scale worm, goby fish, and pea crab are commensal organisms that live in the burrow with this worm, which is the basis for its common name, Innkeeper Worm.


7 They seem to be closely related to annelids because they show segmentation during the larval stage but not as an adult Feed with a proboscis Usually 1-6 cm Obscure phylum …..only marine


9 SAUSAGE WORM, Lissomyema mellita, a red blooded fat unsegmented worm-like creature, and gets its species name Mellita from living in dead sand dollars. Sometimes found boring into rock. Size 1/4-1 inch long.


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