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INSPIRE: progress update

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1 INSPIRE: progress update
Roberto Lucchi Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Environment & Sustainability EIONET NRC Information Systems meeting, Nov 2008, Copenhagen

2 The Mission of the Joint Research Centre
… is to provide customer-driven scientific and technical support for the conception, development, implementation and monitoring of EU policies. As a service of the European Commission, the JRC functions as a reference centre of science and technology for the Union. Close to the policy-making process, it serves the common interest of the Member States, while being independent of special interests, whether private or national.

3 Scientific support to EU policies
GEO SEIS INSPIRE GMES Co-chair GEOSS ADC Common Architecture Technical Coordination FTS Land Monitoring GEOSS Clearinghouse Communication Implementing Rules European DEM GEO Portal Support Soil&Forest DC EU Portal Data & Information management The intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations (GEO), formally established at the 3rd Earth Observation Summit in Feb 05, is leading a worldwide effort to build a Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) over the next 10 years Pilot International SDI Heterogeneous Mission Accessibility (HMA) The INSPIRE Directive 2007/2/EC, published in the OJ on the , will enter into force on the A MoU was signed in 2006 by the DGs of JRC, DG ENV and ESTAT establishing the collaborative framework until The JRC is responsible for the overall technical coordination of INSPIRE. In 2005 the Environmental Policy Review Group endorsed the vision for a Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) aiming to improve access to information needed for environmental policies and to reduce the administrative burden associated with reporting and monitoring. JRC is co-responsible together with ESA for Data Procurement of FTS Land and for the production of European Satellite Mosaic. We provide technical advice for GMES Data Specifications and we are member of the review board of ESA – HMA

4 INSPIRE Directive general provision
INSPIRE lays down general rules to establish an infrastructure for spatial information in Europe for the purposes of Community environmental policies and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment. INSPIRE to be based on the infrastructures for spatial information established and operated by the Member States. INSPIRE does not require collection of new spatial data INSPIRE does not affect existing Intellectual Property Rights INSPIRE is a distributed infrastructure. Directive came into force 15 May 2007

5 Collaboration JRC, Eurostat
INSPIRE Components Collaboration JRC, Eurostat and DG Environment Metadata Interoperability of spatial data sets and services Network services (discovery, view, download, invoke) Made available trough the European geo-portal Data and Service sharing (policy) Coordination and measures for Monitoring & Reporting JRC ESTAT INSPIRE is a Framework Directive Detailed technical provisions for the issues above will be laid down in Implementing Rules Once adopted, Implementing Rules become European legislative acts and national law in 27 Member States and in some EFTA countries

6 From Commission proposal to Community Directive implementation
Preparatory phase ( ) Co-decision procedure Start of preparation of Implementing Rules Transposition phase ( ) Directive entered into force 15 May 2007 INSPIRE Committee started its activities 26 June 2007 Continuation of preparation of Implementing Rules Transposition into national legislation Adoption of Implementing Rules by Comitology Implementation phase ( ) Implementation and monitoring of measures

7 Objective of this presentation
INSPIRE Technical Architecture Progress of INSPIRE Implementing Rules ( Metadata Data spec Network Services

8 INSPIRE Architecture: overview
“INSPIRE Technical Architecture – Overview”, cross DTs doc

9 INSPIRE MD Implementation Rules approved
INSPIRE Implementing Rules on Metadata approved by the INSPIRE Committee with unanimous decision (323 votes in total, 22 votes not represented) Available from Strategic approach: Separate IRs (What to do) from Guidelines (How to do) IRs to focus on stable elements Guidelines to implement based on ISO standards Allow conformance EN ISO (data) and EN (services) + interoperability with e-government through ISO 15836

10 Additional support from the Commission
INSPIRE pilots to develop MD profiles for specific policy areas (CAFE and EMF pilots) Opportunities for funding, testing, and R&D in FP7 calls and eContent+ Collaborative work with EEA to include INSPIRE Themes in GEMET MD Editor to test that IRs and Guidelines are technically coherent and compliant with ISO standards + INSPIRE geoportal MD Editor as free facility for MS to create MD compliant with IRs.

11 Interoperability and harmonization of spatial data sets and services
Development of conceptual framework and specification methodology: DS-D 2.3 Definition of Annex Themes and Scope DS-D 2.5 Generic Conceptual Model (GCM) DS-D 2.6 Methodology for Specification Development DS-D 2.7 Guidelines for Encoding Development of data specifications (by TWG) for each data theme (Annex l, ll and lll) based on the conceptual framework

12 Data Specifications - Approach
Implementing Rules comprising data (product) specifications for 34 themes Annex l TWG Kick-off 14-15/2/2008 First draft September 2008 Coordinate reference systems Geographical grid systems Geographical names Administrative units Addresses Cadastral parcels Transport networks Hydrography Protected sites Coordinate Reference Systems Geographical Grids Protected Sites Elevation Orthoimagery Geology Statistical Units Buildings Energy Resources Mineral Resources Annex II Annex III Annex I Conceptual Framework D2.3 Definition of Annex Themes & Scope D2.5 Generic Conceptual Model D2.6 Methodology for Specification Development D2.7 Guidelines for Encoding 12

13 INSPIRE Network Services
NS DT maintains a living technical document: to define in which context services have to run, to address technical issues, for internal use. Dec 2007 D 3.5 Network Services Architecture: sent to SDIC/LMO Sept 2008 Table of Comments and Resolutions: Network Services Architecture Network Services Architecture version 3

14 INSPIRE Network Services
Discovery Service making it possible to search for spatial data sets and services on the basis of the content of the corresponding metadata View Service making it possible, as a minimum, to display, navigate, zoom in/out, pan, or overlay viewable spatial data sets and to display legend information and any relevant content of metadata Download Service enabling copies of spatial data sets, or parts of such sets, to be downloaded and, where practicable, accessed directly Transformation Service enabling spatial data sets to be transformed with a view to achieving interoperability Invoke Spatial Data Service allowing spatial data services to be invoked

15 Network Services DT progress
First draft of D3.7 Discovery and View Services IR sent to SDIC/LMO (18Dec 2007) -> Comments and Resolutions Discovery Service ( ) Implementing Rules Technical Guidance View Service ( )

16 Discovery Service TG Discovery Service Technical Guidance
INSPIRE Profile of OGC CSW ISO AP describes how to implement Discovery Service IR functionalities: Discovery services operations Discovery services queryables Multilingual aspects

17 View Service TG View Service Technical Guidance
INSPIRE Profile of ISO 19128:2005(E) – Web Map Server Interface describes how to implement View Service IR functionalities View service operations Service metadata and layer properties in the View Service capabilities document Capabilities extension for multilingualism Two other OGC standards to portray geographic information are associated with the EN ISO :2005(E) OGC Styled Layer Descriptor Profile of the Web Map Service Implementation Specification (05-078r4) OGC Symbology Encoding Implementation Specification (05-077r4)

18 NS Milestones NS - D 3.7 Discovery and View services NS - D 3.9
Deliverables Description Milestone Who NS - D 3.7 Discovery and View services SDIC/LMO Consultation 2007 – 12 DT Final Draft IR 2008 – 06 CT Adoption of IR 2008 – 11 Comitology NS - D 3.9 Download services 2008 – 10 2009 – 03 2009 – 05 NS - D 3.10 Coordinates Transformation Services

19 Additional support from the Commission
SOAP On request of Network Service Drafting Team the European Commission has launched a project to study in detail whether a SOAP/WSDL based approach is feasible for the INSPIRE network services. Sept 2008 SOAP HTTP Binding Status - Survey on OGC and ORCHESTRA ( Next steps INSPIRE SOAP Framework SOAP Primer for Discovery and View Services

20 Additional support from the Commission
INSPIRE/SEIS pilots EMF Development and Prototyping of INSPIRE technical specifications for air, water, waste and biodiversity Environmental Monitoring Facilities using INSPIRE Network Services CAFE Development and demonstration of technical IT solutions for data exchange and reporting under the CAFE Directive using INSPIRE Network services ( ) FP7 projects GIGAS Promotes the coherent and interoperable development of the GMES, INSPIRE and GEOSS initiatives through their concerted adoption of standards, protocols, and open architectures GENESIS Provides thematic communities with a solution for setting up their own information systems that contribute to a Single Information Space for the Environment (SISE).

21 Thank you for your attention !

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