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Persistent Bloom Filter: Membership Testing for the Entire History

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1 Persistent Bloom Filter: Membership Testing for the Entire History
Yanqing Peng1 Jinwei Guo2 Feifei Li1 Weining Qian2 Aoying Zhou2 1 University of Utah East China Normal University Problem Definition PBF-2 Has IP address ever visited my web server between 9:30am and 9:40am? Maintain a binary tree logically, merge nodes in the same level in practice. Number of BFs = Number of Levels In PBF-1: operation on element x at the i-th node of level j In PBF-2: operation on (x, i) at the j-th node Temporal Membership Testing Given a temporal set 𝓐= { 𝒙 𝟏 , 𝒕 𝟏 , 𝒙 𝟐 , 𝒕 𝟐 , …}, an element 𝒙, and a time range [𝑠, 𝑒] Test if exists π‘‘βˆˆ[𝑠,𝑒] such that 𝒙, 𝒕 βˆˆπ“ High Level Idea Binary decomposition Reduce #accesses to log(query length) Ex: Binary decomposition of [3, 8] Bit Allocation 𝒅 π’Š :Number of elements in the i-th BF 𝒇 π’Š :Number of accesses to the i-th BF π’Ž π’Š :Number of bits allocated for the i-th BF 𝝀 𝟏 :A parameter needs to be solved π’Ž : Total number of bits (budget) PBF-1 Split time range into epochs, learn parameters for current epoch from previous epochs. A binary tree of Bloom Filters Each node maintains a BF of elements appears in time [𝑠,𝑒] Insert x at time t: Insert x into all nodes the path from root to the leaf [𝑑,𝑑] Query x in time [𝑠,𝑒] : Query x to all nodes in the decomposition of [𝑠,𝑒] O(T) #BFs. T: Time upper bound Evaluation About 50x space saving than original dataset Baseline: Standard BF, pair elements with timestamps Slightly slower insertion, magnitudes better query efficiency compared to baseline False positive rate: PBF1-offline > PBF2-offline = PBF2-online > PBF1-online >>> baseline

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