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Urbanisation Homework: L/O:

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1 Urbanisation Homework: L/O: Explain the push and pull factors for migration to Chinese cities and explain some of the impacts on the city and countryside. Starter: These are ‘Bang Bang’ Men Write down 5 questions Who…. What…. Where…. When…. Why….

2 Can you predict why these changes have happened?
Changing Populations Make 4 points to describe the changes in the Rural and Urban populations Can you use / calculate with the data? Can you predict why these changes have happened?

3 Some facts about Chinese
China’s economic development and rapid urbanisation have increased the number of people moving within the country, largely from rural areas to towns and cities, in search of job opportunities. De-collectivisation of agriculture in rural areas freed people to seek work farther afield to the cities and newly industrialised areas in the east to work on construction sites or in factories. As a result of internal migration China’s urban population rose from roughly 170 million in 1978 to 540 million in 2004. In the late 1990s China’s cities had attracted close to 100 million rural migrants most of whom were short term labourers rather than long term settlers. The number of internal migrants in China is estimated at over one-tenth of China’s population of 1.3 billion. Rural migrants now account for 40 percent of the urban labour force.

4 This usually happens in LEDCs – LESS DEVELOPED COUNTRIES
URBANISATION Moving to urban areas from rural places This usually happens in LEDCs – LESS DEVELOPED COUNTRIES There are different reasons for leaving and wanting to go Push factors – reasons for leaving Pull factors - reasons for attraction Task: Use the pictures for RURAL CHINA and URBAN China to list the push and pull factors for China’s urbanisation EXTRA: Can you explain which are SOCIAL / ECONOMIC / ENVIRONMENTAL reasons?

5 What are the impacts of urbanisation?
What happens when too many people leave rural areas? Impacts on city Life is tough Jobs are hard too find Services over stretched Live in squatter settlements Impacts on Countryside Depopulated Fewer farmers Unbalanced population dominated by women, children, sick and elderly Complete worksheet on impacts of urbanisation!

6 Case study: Chongqing – the effect of urbanisation in one place
Relocation To take away someones possessions Compensation Moving from one place to another Privatization Someone who builds new houses Property developer When a company that was owned by the government is bought by a private company Expropriation Paying someone for their loss or injury Capitalism A system whereby individuals are allowed to set up companies and make money Task: Watch or start the video: (25 minutes) Fill in the sheet as you go along about some of the problems in Chongquing.

7 Trade with China - Who buys Chinese goods?
Homework: Preparing for next lesson! Create a bar chart with the following data Analyse graph to explain what it shows! Trade with China - Who buys Chinese goods? US$ millions USA 11,809 Japan 6,729 Germany 4,013 Taiwan 1,197 France 944 Italy 706 United Kingdom 613 Spain 102 Denmark 101 Singapore 21 Slovakia 20 Russia 13 Canada 12 Australia 11 Greece TASK: Create a bar graph to show which countries import goods from China. Which countries import goods from China? 10,000 US $million imports 5,000

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