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The delegates chose George Washington to guide the convention. Each state had one vote. Majority votes would decide any issue. The convention was a complete secrete. Their original job was to revise the Articles of Confederation. They decided to strengthen the national government and to create a new constitution. Thus, the meeting in Philadelphia came to be known as the Constitutional Convention.

3 THE VIRGINIA PLAN The plan had a president, courts, and a congress with two house. State population would decide how many representatives were in each house.

4 THE VIRGINIA PLAN Lager states had more power than smaller states.
Larger states were in favor of the plan. James Madison wrote the plan.

5 THE NEW JERSEY PLAN Plan kept Confederation’s one house congress and each state had one vote. Congress could set taxes and regulate trade. Instead of a strong president, a less powerful committee named by Congress would carry out laws.

6 THE NEW JERSEY PLAN Smaller states had the same power as larger states. Smaller states supported the plan. William Patterson wrote the plan.

7 THE GREAT COMPROMISE A committee headed by Roger Sherman decided that Congress would have two houses- Senate and a House of Representatives.

8 THE GREAT COMPROMISE In the Senate, each state would have two members.
In the House, the number of seats for each state would reflect the state’s population.

In 1787, more than 550,000 African Americans were enslaved. Most were in southern slaves and these states hoped to count these slaves in their populations.

The delegates decided that every enslaved persons would equal three free persons. Meaning that three- fifths of the enslaved population in each state would count for representation in Congress.

11 OTHER COMPROMISES Southern states agreed that Congress could regulate trade between the states and other countries. Northern states agreed that Congress could not tax exports. Congress also agreed not to ban slave trade before 1808. Delegates agreed on the Electoral Congress. This groups would select a president & vice president. It would be made up of electors or delegates, named by each state legislature. Still exists today but now voters in each state choose electors.

12 FEDERALIST People who supported the Constitution.
They believed that the Constitution created a system of federalism Federalism is a form of government in which power is divided between the federal, or national, government and the states.

13 FEDERALIST They also believed the federal law should be supreme over state law. They wrote essays defended the Constitution called the Federalist Papers. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John.

14 ANTI-FEDERALIST People who opposed the Constitution.
They argued that it would destroy the liberties won in the Revolution.

15 ANTI-FEDERALIST They believed a strong national government would ignore the states. They saw the Constitution as weak because it had no Bill of Rights.

16 A NEW NATION Federalist & Anti-Federalist both agreed on the need of a Bill of Rights. Federalist vowed to add one if the Constitution was adopted. The Constitution was ratified and took affect in June 1788.

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