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DCOPS Data Quality Studies

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1 DCOPS Data Quality Studies
Robert Handler University of Wisconsin-Madison 6-April-2009

2 Definition of Terms Crosshair laser lines, one for each end of the SLM
Horizontal lines are CCD 1 and 3 α-β depends only on the lasers: invariant along line In the small angle approximation, the difference in length between the 2 line segments depends only on α-β CCD 2 and 4 are similar Robert Handler 6-April-2009

3 Tables of “Invariant” Differences of Peak Differences
4 good measurements required (blank if not all 4 good) Left column is CCD1/3 pairs, right CCD 2/4 Amplitude had to be at least 1/3 of background (Peak of Laser 1 at CCD1 – Peak of Laser 2 at CCD1) minus (Peak of Laser 1 at CCD3 – Peak of Laser 2 at CCD3) Robert Handler 6-April-2009

4 Example Differences of Differences: ME+2
SLM1 53.9 -74.1 35.2 25.9 20.3 25.5 -53.0 -73.5 -35.6 132.1 25.6 ME+2 SLM2 -42.6 -29.0 -30.5 -26.1 -22.9 -22.3 -137.3 -20.1 -10.1 ME+2 SLM3 -31.3 -52.3 -38.7 134.0 8.8 -30.1 10.4 84.6 18.8 334.2 -35.2 -54.9 -53.2 1:3 2:4 1:3 2:4 1:3 2:4 Robert Handler 6-April-2009

5 Differences ME+3 1:3 1:3 2:4 2:4 ME+3 SLM1 37.2 88.0 52.1 -174.3 113.6
73.7 51.1 126.7 139.2 49.6 116.8 -7.5 ME+3 SLM2 -31.2 75.4 -33.9 -53.4 -36.1 44.4 -33.2 -50.4 -17.3 7.3 29.1 1:3 1:3 2:4 2:4 Robert Handler 6-April-2009

6 ME+2/SLM1: CCD 1 and 3 Laser p Laser q Sigma Skewness
Robert Handler 6-April-2009

7 ME+2/SLM1: CCD 2 and 4 Laser p Laser q Robert Handler 6-April-2009

8 ME+2/SLM2: CCD 1 and 3 Laser p Laser q Robert Handler 6-April-2009

9 ME+2/SLM2: CCD 2 and 4 Laser p Laser q Robert Handler 6-April-2009

10 Sources of variations The “invariant” can be off when one profile is badly shadowed, though it is often still good anyway It is frequently inconsistent with others in the SLM for the reference DCOPS, in cases where the profile amplitudes are radically different. The reference DCOPS should not be shadowable! Robert Handler 6-April-2009

11 Peak Amplitudes on Complimentary CCDs near the laser
Robert Handler 6-April-2009

12 Problem? Since nothing can shadow the reference DCOPS, the amplitudes for profiles in complimentary CCDs should be roughly the same Not true all the time Distribution of amplitude pairs doesn’t look like those in the rest of the SLM! Robert Handler 6-April-2009

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