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Doc.A6465/14/47 Ag.10 SHS & SHE Surveys of Household Expenditure and Staff Housing Surveys Progress of work in 2013 Working Group on Article 64 and.

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Presentation on theme: "Doc.A6465/14/47 Ag.10 SHS & SHE Surveys of Household Expenditure and Staff Housing Surveys Progress of work in 2013 Working Group on Article 64 and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Doc.A6465/14/47 Ag.10 SHS & SHE Surveys of Household Expenditure and Staff Housing Surveys Progress of work in 2013 Working Group on Article 64 and Article 65 of the Staff Regulations Meeting in Luxembourg 24th & 25th March 2014

2 Surveys (Intra EU) in 2013 Survey of Household Expenditure
Retired staff ( includes widows, widowers, invalidity etc.) Staff in the Netherlands Staff in Ireland Staff Housing Survey Brussels, BE Varese, IT Karlsruhe, DE

3 SHE among retired officials
Originally foreseen for 2011 Launched in spring 2013 Letters sent to persons in 3 languages Different possibilites to reply: online, via a link to a 'lime survey' Paper (pdf) Pre-adressed envelope missing (!) Deadline 16th June 2013 Integration in CC calculations July 2014

4 Replies from pensioners
715 paper 1198 on-line total: 1913 (approx.10%) Many letters, s and phonecalls Some only partly filled in the questionnaire No results yet Info in VOX, the magazine of AIACE

5 SHE in the Netherlands & Ireland
Launched in september 2013 Deadline 5 december 2013 Last survey in 2007 Sent by to all staff Possibility to reply via 'lime-survey' or on paper (pdf) Few questions and almost no feedback Integration in CC calculations July 2014

6 Organisations European Comission Representation
European Parliament Information Office EUROJUST (The European Union's Judicial Cooperation unit, Den Haag) EUROPOL (European Police Office, Den Haag) JRC-IET (Joint Research center, Petten) EUROCONTROL (Maastricht) EUROPEAN SCHOOL (Bergen) FVO – (European Commission Food and Veterinary Office, Grange) EUROFOUND – (European Foundation for the Improvement of living and working conditions, Dublin)

7 SHE in the NL and IE - replies
150 replies from NL (17 paper) 100 replies from IE (8 paper) No replies at all from European Parliament European School Eurojust (Data not yet processed)

8 Staff Housing Surveys Brussels June replies (insufficient) Varese August replies* Karlsruhe August replies* * integration July 2014 rent PPP

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