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Chapter I Terminologi, Standart Human, Scaling

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1 Chapter I Terminologi, Standart Human, Scaling

2 1. Anatomical Terminology



5 Motion in Human Machine
Degree of freedom  coordinate needed to describe that type of motion. Angular movement  x,y,z Rotational movement  θx, θy, and θz Two types of articulations : - fibrous (bones joined by connective tissue) - cartilaginous (bones joined by cartilage) joints, can bend only very little.




9 Flexion & Extention Extension  angle of 1D hinge increase
Flexion  angle of 1D hinge decrease Abduction  rotate away from midline Adducton  rotate closer to midline Rotation  move body part about its axis Pronation  screwdriver movement in the arm toward to body Supination  screwdriver movement in the arm away from body




13 Standart Human

14 Standart Human

15 Standart Human

16 Standart Human


18 b

19 Scaling Relationship Allometric rule  how to predict some properties in body mass using scaling relationship f = properties of animal a,  = parameter of relationship mb = body mass in kg


21 Another prediction Surface area of a person, A , height H in m body mass Human body density

22 Another prediction Body Mass Index (Qutelet’s index) Normal value
men : 14-20% women : 21-27%

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