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Accessible and Inclusive ICTs for persons with Disability

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Presentation on theme: "Accessible and Inclusive ICTs for persons with Disability"— Presentation transcript:

1 Accessible and Inclusive ICTs for persons with Disability
Basanta Shah Bini Shrestha Deepan Singh Siddhartha Sapkota

2 Visually Impaired The definition of vision impairment by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says a visually impaired person's eyesight cannot be corrected to a “normal level”. It may be said that visual impairment is the functional limitation of the eye or eyes or the vision system

3 Problem Domain for Visually Impaired people
Navigation Reading Using touch screens Lack of interactive websites GUI issue Visual decision for shopping ( Garments, Groceries, Date of expiries of medicines or edible )

4 Reading Braille Lippie is used for reading
Developed in 1824 by Louis Braille Not every documents/news paper/ journals are encoded in Braille Under developed countries don’t have access to institution for providing education for Braille lippie OCR in phones does required smart phone with touch screens and are very hard to be used by visually impaired people and required constant internet connection to work

5 Typing Touch familiar Hard to navigate
Takes a lot of time for performing small task

6 Navigation Traditional stick used for navigation
Hard to scan crowded area Couldn't’t identify gutter holes and downstairs

7 Solution A smart solution to address problem of reading, typing and navigation Must be cheap enough for each and every visually impaired people Should be available in variety of smart phones

8 Reading Software Hardware Take and snap shot Connect to the server
Read out loud the text extracted Convert image into text using OCR offline Receive latest image from server Select mode of operation Connect to the server Take and snap shot Connect to the server Send it to the server with unique identifier ( date of modification)

9 Typing Hardware Software
Map each finger and set high and low to user desired fingure Save data as JSON format Push data to the software Read the character typed loud Convert it into alphabet Map the value with predefined value Select Mode of operation Retrieve data from server

10 Read it loud in measuring unit
Software Navigation Read it loud in measuring unit Read value of distance Select Mode Connect to the server Hardware Calculate distance between user and obstacle using Ultrasonic sonar sensor Send it to the server

11 Thank you

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