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Accreditation/qi coordinator, district 4 public health

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1 Accreditation/qi coordinator, district 4 public health
How did we do it? Narrowing down the top 17 priorities to the top 3 by using the mapp process Susie Hammock Accreditation/qi coordinator, district 4 public health May 25, 2018

2 What is the mapp process?
Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships Provides a framework for convening the variety of organizations, groups and individuals that comprise the local public health system in order to create and implement a community health improvement plan. There are 6 steps: - Organizing - Visioning - Assessments - Strategic Issues - Goals/Strategies - Action Cycle We are HERE!

3 Strategic issues During this phase of the MAPP Process, participants develop an ordered list of the most important issues facing the community. Strategic issues are identified by exploring the convergence of the results of the four MAPP Assessments and determining how those issues affect the achievement of the shared vision. Recommended Participants: Core Support Team compiles the results and prepares for MAPP Committee discussions. MAPP Committee (THAT’S YOU!!) reviews the results of the four MAPP Assessments and identifies strategic issues (THAT’S WHAT WE ARE DOING RIGHT NOW!)

This meeting took place on April 20th, 2018 at the Newnan Centre We had 69 community partners and district employees in attendance We reviewed: PHAB Accreditation The MAPP Process The Community Health Improvement Plan (and all of the included assessments and issues) Healthy People 20/20 priorities CDC 6/18 initiatives Georgia DPH SHIP (State Health Improvement Plan) Priorities

5 CHIP Meeting #1, cont. We decided:
On our TOP 10 Concerns (there were several that tied, so we really had a TOP 17 list) Those were: Obesity Mental Health Substance Abuse Smoking Hypertension Diabetes Transportation Healthcare Teen Pregnancy Employment Poverty Housing Education Physical Activity Infant / Maternal Mortality STD / STI Child Abuse

6 That’s a long list…. How did we narrow it down?
Step 1: Nominal Group Technique - Assign each priority a letter from the alphabet In this case, A-Q - Give each person a worksheet with the lettered priorities and get them to assign each priority a number (1-17) Priority one is the most important, while priority 17 is least important. - After everyone is done scoring the priorities, we totaled them all up.

7 Scoring the priorities

8 Nominal group technique

9 Nominal group technique, cont.
Once we scored the priorities, we selected a TOP 5 (those with the LOWEST score were the highest priorities). The TOP 5 were: Obesity Mental Health Substance Abuse Hypertension Diabetes Once we looked at the TOP 5, we realized that several of them were very closely related, so we decided to lump those into one…. So hypertension and diabetes are both really closely related to obesity, so we took those off the list… we went to the next two… Smoking and Healthcare We decided that smoking falls under Substance Abuse… and we decided to alter Healthcare to Access to Care So, next down the list was Poverty, which rounded out our new TOP 5.

10 New top 5: Obesity Mental Health Substance Abuse Access to Care

11 Prioritization matrix
You can find out more about the Prioritization Matric at this website:

12 You score the priorities against each other and assign a value
For example: OBESITY VS SUBSTANCE ABUSE If obesity is equally as important as substance abuse, it is scored with a zero, if it is slightly more important, it is scored a 5, if it is much more important, it is scored a 10. If obesity is slightly less important, it is scored a .2, and if it is much less important than substance abuse, it is scored a .5 This all sounds much more confusing than it is! When comparing these issues against each other (they are all very important), we needed to ask ourselves these questions….

13 Things to consider: How many people are affected by this issue?
How does the issue affect the quality of life, economic burden on the community, and other criteria as appropriate. Are public health strategies available to successfully address the issue? Is the problem responsive to interventions? What level of concern does the community have for this issue? How feasible is this to tackle?

14 New top 3 Once we asked ourselves these very important questions, and we debated with each other on the scores… we voted on how to score each one. Once we were done, we had a new TOP 3: Poverty Obesity Access to Healthcare

15 To be continued! Next on the agenda: Discussion of the TOP 3
Why are these important? What do you see in YOUR county/community? Take a look at the data How does the data match up to your experience? This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

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