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Cold War Beginnings.

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Presentation on theme: "Cold War Beginnings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cold War Beginnings

2 No direct confrontation on battlefield
What is a Cold War? No direct confrontation on battlefield Battle for dominance economically and ideologically

3 Potsdam Action: Stalin refuses democratic elections in satellite nations Communist governments

4 George Kennan proposes containment
Effect: Containment George Kennan proposes containment Prevent extension of communist rule

5 Effect: Truman Doctrine
Support countries fighting communism Marshall Plan provides aid to war torn Europe Why?

6 End of WW2 Germany divided into four zones
Berlin End of WW2 Germany divided into four zones Britain, France, U.S. combine Stalin has East Berlin; nothing guarantees West access to East Action: Soviets blockade Berlin


8 Action: Berlin Airlift
Fly food and supplies into West Berlin Boosts American prestige Soviets lift blockade

9 Action: NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Defensive military alliance between U.S., Canada, and 10 western European nations Attack on one is attack on all First peacetime alliance in U.S. history

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