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Lecture 13 storage management

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1 Lecture 13 storage management xlanchen@05/20/2005

2 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 2 Contents The Evolution of Windows 2000 Storage Partitioning Storage Drivers Multi-partition Volume Management The Volume Namespace

3 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 3 Some terms Disks Sectors Partitions Simple volumes Multipartition volumes

4 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 4 The Evolution of Windows 2000 Storage MS-DOS multiple partitions, logical disks MSDOS could format each partition with a different file system type (FAT12 or FAT16) and assign each partition a different drive letter

5 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 5 Windows NT disk spanning and fault tolerance volumes drawbacks most disk-configuration changes require a reboot before taking effect the Windows NT 4 registry stores multipartition disk-configuration information for MS-DOS-style partitions an upper limit on the number of possible local and remote volumes

6 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 6 Partitioning Windows 2000 manages all disks as basic disks unless you manually create dynamic disks or convert existing basic disks (with enough free space) to dynamic disks Basic disks Disks that rely on the MS-DOS-style partitioning scheme Dynamic disks support multipartition volumes

7 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 7 Basic Partitioning System volume For boot files, including the boot loader (Ntldr) and Ntdetect Boot volume For operating system files such as Ntoskrnl.exe, the core kernel file

8 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 8 MBR Master boot record (MBR) MBR code Partition table Primary partitions Extended partition Active partition

9 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 9

10 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 10 Dynamic Partitioning Logical Disk Manager (LDM) subsystem LDM maintains one unified database that stores partitioning information for all the dynamic disks on a systemincluding multipartition-volume configuration

11 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 11 Internal dynamic disk organization

12 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 12 LDM database layout

13 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 13 database table database entry partition, disk, component, and volume

14 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 14 Storage Drivers multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1) Advanced RISC Computing (ARC)

15 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 15 Disk Drivers Disk storage driver architecture Storage class driver Storage port driver Miniport driver (OEM supply)

16 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 16 Device Naming Device objects Disk names: \Device\HarddiskX\DRX Partition object \Device\Harddisk0\DP(1)0x7e000-0x7ff50c00+2

17 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 17 Basic Disk Management FtDisk \Winnt\System32\Drivers\Ftdisk.sys creates disk device objects representing volumes on basic disks manages all basic disk volumes

18 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 18 Dynamic Disk Management DMDiskManager (Dmdskmgr.dll) DMAdmin

19 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 19 Database interpreting DMConfig (Winnt\System32\Dmconfig.dll) DMBoot (Dmboot.sys) DMIO a bus driver creates a device object for each dynamic disk volume \Device\HarddiskDmVolumes\PhysicalDmVolumes\BlockVolumeX

20 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 20 DMIO driver device objects

21 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 21 Multipartition Volume Management the partitions that make up a volume can be located on discontiguous partitions or even on different disks Spanned volumes Mirrored volumes Striped volumes RAID-5 volume

22 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 22 Spanned Volumes A spanned volume is a single logical volume composed of a maximum of 32 free partitions on one or more disks

23 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 23 Striped Volumes A striped volume is a series of up to 32 partitions, one partition per disk, that combines into a single logical volume.

24 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 24 Logical numbering of physical sectors on a striped volume

25 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 25 Mirrored Volumes In a mirrored volume, the contents of a partition on one disk are duplicated in an equal-sized partition on another disk

26 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 26 RAID-5 Volumes A RAID-5 volume is a fault tolerant variant of a regular striped volume. striped volume with parity Fault tolerance is achieved by reserving the equivalent of one disk for storing parity for each stripe

27 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 27 the parity for stripe 1 the parity for stripe 2

28 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 28 Volume I/O Operations Related components FSD volume managers & volume managers I/O manager

29 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 29 DMIO I/O operations

30 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 30 The Volume Namespace The Mount Manager Mount Points Volume Mounting

31 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 31 The Mount Manager A new driver in 2K, Mountmgr.sys drive letters dynamic disk volumes & basic disk volumes HKLM\SYSTEM\MountedDevices \??\Volume{X} (where X is a GUID) ??\C: Every volume has a volume name entry, but a volume doesn't necessarily have an assigned drive letter.

32 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 32 Example

33 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 33 Mount Points A new mechanism to 2K let you link volumes through directories on NTFS volumes, which makes volumes with no drive-letter assignment accessible important technology: reparse point Mount points are reparse points that store a volume name ( \??\Volume{X}) as the reparse data

34 xlanchen@05/20/2005Understanding the Inside of Windows 2000 34 Volume Mounting

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