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Welcome to Sit in Your Child’s Seat Thank you for coming today

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Sit in Your Child’s Seat Thank you for coming today"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Sit in Your Child’s Seat Thank you for coming today

2 General Routines Register is taken at 9:00 The Daily Mile- 9-9:10
Collective Worship is held everyday at 9:15 Read, Write, Inc daily for 30 mins Maths and English every day PE on a Monday and Thursday- being active Music on Monday- New teacher!

3 Start and end of the day Children can come into the classroom from 8:45 onwards- they will have a book to look at on their carpet space due to The Daily Mile. Independence Adults to tell me if your child is going on the bus

4 Homework RWI spellings: given out on a Friday and tested on the following Friday Reading books will be changed once a week. 1-2 books Half term projects

5 ELG Prime areas of learning-
17 areas of learning in total, split between prime and specific areas of learning Prime areas of learning- Personal, social and Emotional Communication and language Physical Development

6 ELG continued Specific areas of learning Mathematics Literacy
Characteristics of effective learning. Mr Men and Little Miss characters.

7 Progress through continuous provision
Whole class teach Small group teach Learning plans and challenging ourselves

8 Any other business Bringing toys in from home Show and tell
Appropriate weather for being outside Spare change of clothes Water bottles Book bags in each day Parent Volunteers PE Kit

9 Open Door Policy If you wish to contact me I am always available at the beginning and end of the day in the classroom. Available for phone calls before and after the school day. Please keep chatting to us. Thank you for coming!

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