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NMDOT ROADWAY Inventory System Replacement (Previously All Road's Network of linear Referenced Data (ARNOLD) Phase II) Executive Sponsors: Tom Church,

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Presentation on theme: "NMDOT ROADWAY Inventory System Replacement (Previously All Road's Network of linear Referenced Data (ARNOLD) Phase II) Executive Sponsors: Tom Church,"— Presentation transcript:

1 NMDOT ROADWAY Inventory System Replacement (Previously All Road's Network of linear Referenced Data (ARNOLD) Phase II) Executive Sponsors: Tom Church, Cabinet Secretary Tamara Haas P.E. Asset Management and Planning Division Director Business Owner: Yolanda Duran, Chief Data Management Bureau John Baker, Manager Roadway Inventory Program Project Certification Closure November 13, 2018

2 Project Overview The ARNOLD Phase 2 Project entailed the development of the NMDOT Roadway Inventory System (RIS), and full integration and implementation of the RIS utilizing ESRI Roads & Highways, including migration of data from NMDOT’s existing Transportation Information Management System (TIMS) into the ESRI Roads & Highways Data model. Compliance with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requirement of the All Roads Network of linear Referenced Data (ARNOLD) addresses specific legislation included in the latest Federal surface transportation reauthorization (MAP-21) that the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) for each State shall establish a safety data system covering all public roads, including non-State-owned public roads, and roads on tribal land in the State, in a geospatial manner.

3 Project Objectives & Business Goals
Objective/Goal/Metric Outcome Increased efficiency and productivity through a well-managed Linear Referencing System (LRS). Optimized business processes. Lower cost of government. A significant number of business and support processes have been streamlined and/or eliminated, yielding faster response and higher productivity. Improve reporting capability. Manage roadway information in an industry standard solution. Migrate to a COTS system with an architecture that will allow future interface with NMDOT asset management systems System is an enabler for all NMDOT data visualization programs/projects. Federal reporting, such as for bridge, traffic, pavement and HPMS, have improved accuracy and shorter compilation time. Facilitate a common data structure which will allow later data linkage with asset data requirements such as pavement, bridge, crash, traffic monitoring data, roadway inventory assets, maintenance data, FMIS and HSIP data. System fully complies. System complies with all applicable NMDOT security, business continuity and redundancy requirements. Project does not exceed budget and remains on schedule. Project exceeded goal by coming in $3, under budget and adhering to baseline project plan.

4 Return On Investment Current ROI projection yields $274K per year average cost to use the new system, which includes yearly maintenance, licensing, and all direct and indirect costs associated with use. The average cost to use the legacy TIMS system was ~$683K per year. Based on these cost savings, this project will have paid for itself in ~2 years. Business Process Optimization 50% reduction in staff hours to perform QA/QC of data and respond to data requests 90% reduction in business team staff hours to generate HPMS and Annual Certified Mileage submittals, and support other federal reporting for bridge, traffic, etc 20% reduction in contract services Further reduction in Agency Oracle footprint Eliminated 2 legacy Oracle databases and 2 Oracle WebLogic servers ~1/10th the cost to run new system versus legacy TIMS system Efficiency of project standup allowed elimination of legacy system ~1 year earlier than projected, saving an additional $98K

5 Appropriation History
Fiscal Year Funding Source Amount FFY2016 NMDOT Federal Planning Work Plan State Planning and Research Funds $740,892.31 NMDOT Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) $112,511.88 Total: $853,404.19 Certification History: Date Phase Amount November 16, 2015 Initiation & Planning $116,477.00 March 7, 2017 Implementation $736,927.19 Total: $853,404.19

6 Total Budget (Projected/Actual, by Deliverable
Phase Deliverable Projected Actual Date Complete Initiation - Close IV&V $40,242.19 9/14/18 Initiation Review of Arnold Phase I Data $37,621.00 10/21/16 Initiation–Close Project Management $73,440.00 $73,437.30 8/31/18 Planning Initial design of R&H Database $29,301.00 2/16/17 Startup Workshop & Kickoff $39,555.00 2/2/17 Implementation System Architecture Recommendation $9,670.00 4/24/17 Migration of existing route/event data $62,109.00 2/1/18 Calibrate LRS $80,000.00 4/6/18 Configure R&H Model $77,650.00 6/5/18 Configure RCE $21,850.00 6/6/18 On-site System Implementation $27,787.00 6/27/18 Training & On-site Support $95,419.00 8/22/18 Configure QA/QC Toolkit $6,400.00 8/23/18 Alternate Street Naming Discovery $10,000.00 1/30/18

7 Total Budget (Projected/Actual, by Deliverable
Phase Deliverable Projected Actual Date Complete Implementation Alternate Street Naming Implementation $70,000.00 8/28/18 SLD Software License $46,000.00 $42,582.28 12/21/17 SLD Configuration $59,000.00 8/23/18 On-call Technical Support $67,360.00 8/30/18 TOTAL (all deliverables): $853,404.19 $849,983.77 Project completed under budget by $3,420.42

8 Project Accomplishments
Compliance with FHWA All Roads Network of Linear Referenced Data requirements. Data Repository for Roadway Information modernized and easily maintainable. Legacy (TIMS) Oracle Databases retired. Data cleanup of existing data, before it was imported into new system, minimized churn at GoLive and improved overall accuracy of system from Day 1. Having Linear System and Roadway Characteristics in an industry-standard platform. More people have access to the network and it enables better/faster integrations to support other agency strategic initiatives for data visualization, to improve transparency. System has built-in validation rules and tracks changes with date snap. Data, including historical data, is more accessible. Roadway Characteristic Editor (RCE) provides NMDOT a simple interface for updating event data, to easily attribute a highway.

9 Lessons Learned Strong project management processes amongst all sub-teams, and strong team collaboration, contributed to project progress during critical federal reporting timelines and schedule bottlenecks. Clear prioritization of data cleanup that was needed to ensure system integrity and maintainability, as well as use of subject matter experts to perform priority cleanups, allowed project team to optimize time for these tasks. Frequent review of schedule performance and active management of issues, risks and schedule on a weekly (and sometimes more frequent) basis ensured the project remained on-track. The project team tightly managed scope and stakeholder expectations to ensure any scope change requests were evaluated quickly and interim solutions could be defined with the requestors. This allowed the project to maintain scope integrity and keep to the timeline. Team noted that creating an alias that included all project team members and stakeholders would have streamlined communications.

10 Lessons Learned Extensive preplanning to identify required data, and involvement of stakeholders in kickoff, ensured clarity of requirements during development of the schema. Has met all requirements and is flexible, given changes are expected over time. For example, the initial system meets MIRE 1.0 requirements for federal reporting, but during the project timeline, MIRE 2.0 was adopted, which has more extensive data requirements. Very few schema changes were identified during the course of the project indicating few requirement gaps. Our IT project management and GIS team were very supportive throughout project, and the GIS team ensured a smooth transition to GoLive server stand-up and support. Work stoppage due to State Purchasing State Price Agreement issues required a contract amendment.

11 Next Steps Integration of other NMDOT systems to align their data with the common Linear Referencing System.

12 Questions or Recommendation's
On Behalf of the New Mexico Department of Transportation we would like to extend great gratitude for your continued support and participation in this important endeavor to implement a new data system. Thank You!!

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