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5. Remote Method Invocation (RMI) 5. 1

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1 5. Remote Method Invocation (RMI) 5. 1
5. Remote Method Invocation (RMI) 5.1. In Search of the Simplest Communication Form Main Idea: Working with an object on a remote machine is made to look like calling a procedure on the remote site, i.e. the application/client sends a message to the remote object the remote object receives message, does processing and sends back message with results - the server side; the client receives message and uses/prints result Server Side send client data (request) receive server data/result (reply) Remote Object runs procedure Client Side Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

2 Why do we need yet another mechanism for remote object communication
Why do we need yet another mechanism for remote object communication? We have sockets, and, if we find sockets tedious, there are intermediate representations, such as name/value pairs or XML. They would do the job, yes. In the traditional client/server model the request is formulated or translated into an intermediary language, e.g. name/value pairs, XML data. The server parses the requests, translates it into its language, computes reply, translates into intermediary languages, sends it to client, then client repeats the process. BUT in case of user defined structured data these mechanisms require a significant coding effort; are not very intuitive and not part of the basic vocabulary/concepts of programming languages As opposed to this RMI has a form that is familiar even to an entry level programmer; naturally extends the "everything is an object" principle to "objects can be everywhere"; Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

3 Goals of RMI More specifically RMI specification goals are listed as follows ( Support seamless remote invocations on objects in different JVMs. Support callbacks from servers to clients. Integrate the distributed object model into the Java programming language in a natural way while retaining most of the language's object semantics. Make differences between the distributed object model and the java object model apparent. Make writing distributed applications as simple as possible (certainly simpler than with sockets). Preserve the safety provided by the Java run-time environment. Flexibility and extensibility are provided by: Distributed garbage collection. Capability to support multiple transports Varying remote invocation mechanisms, such as unicast and multicast Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

4 Distributed Application Tasks
Locate Remote Objects: Application can obtain references to remote objects when a) objects are registered with the RMI naming facility, the rmiregistry, or b) application can pass and return remote object references as part of its normal operation Communicate with remote objects: handled by RMI; looks like standard Java method invocation to the programmer Load class bytecodes for objects that are passed as parameters or return values: Because RMI allows a caller to pass pure Java objects to remote object, RMI provides the necessary mechanisms for loading an object's code as well as transmitting its data Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

5 Using the Registry to obtain References to Remote Object
Client Web Server Registry Server RMI RMI RMI URL protocol URL protocol Server calls registry to associate name with a remote object. Client looks up remote object by name in server's registry. Client invokes method on object Note: The RMI system uses an existing web server to load Java class bytecodes, from server to client and from client to server, when needed. RMI can load class bytecodes using any URL protocol (e.g. HTTP, FTP, file, etc.) that is supported by the Java system. Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

6 Remote Reference Layer
RMI Architecture OSI Model Server Skeleton Client Stub Remote Reference Layer Transport Layer Application Presentation Session Transport The layers are independent. Each layer is defined by specific protocol and built using specific interface. Any layer can be replaced by an alternate implementation without affecting the others, e.g. the current transport layer in RMI is TCP based, but can be substituted by a UDP based transport layer Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

7 RMI Architecture (continued)
Stub/Skeleton Layer: Interface of the application with the rest of the system (standard mechanism used in RPC system). This layer transmits the data to the remote reference layer via the abstraction of marshal streams that use object serialization. A stub is a surrogate for the remote object, its representative on the client side, that acts as a proxy for the remote object. It resides on the client side (although it is generated on the server side) and handles all the interaction with the remote object A skeleton handles the communication on the server side (not required in JDK1.2-only environments) Remote Reference Layer: responsible for providing ability to support varying remote reference or invocation protocols independent of client stubs and server skeletons. Examples: unicast provides point-to-point invocation, multicast to groups of objects; other protocols deal with replication strategies or persistent references to the remote object, such as enabling remote object activation (supported only by Java2) Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

8 RMI Architecture (continued)
Transport Layer: Low level layer that ships the marshal streams between different address spaces. Responsible for managing connection: Setting up connections Listening to incoming calls Maintaining table of remote objects that reside in same address space Remote object references are represented by an object identifier and end point. This representation is called a live reference. Given a live reference for a remote object the identifier looks up the targeted remote object and the end point sets up the connection to the address space the object resides Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

9 Distributed Garbage Collection
In stand-alone application object that are no longer referenced by any client are automatically deleted. RMI provides distributed garbage collector that automatically removes objects that are no longer referenced by any client. RMI uses a reference counting garbage collection that keeps track of all live references of a given object on each JVM. When a live reference enters a JVM its count is incremented, when it becomes unreferenced, its count is decremented; when the count is 0 (no live reference) the object can be garbage collected. As long as there is a local reference to a remote object it cannot be garbage collected, since it can be passed to remote server or returned to a client. Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

10 Parameter Marshalling and Unmarshalling
When a client code invokes a remote method on a remote object, it actually calls an ordinary/local Java method encapsulated in the stub. The stub encodes the parameters used in the remote method with a device-independent encoding and transforms them in a format suitable for transport. The process of encoding, writing to a stream and sending an object is referred as parameter marshalling. Thus the stub method on the client side builds an information block that consists of: Identifier of remote object to be used; Name of the method to be called Marschalled parameters. The reverse process of receiving, reading and decoding is called parameter unmarshalling. Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

11 RMI in action Skeleton Server Client Stub
Sending marshalled parameters local call to stub method local call to server method return value or throw exception Sending marshalled return value or exception Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

12 RMI in action (continued)
When a stub's method is invoked, it does the following: Initiates connection with the JVM on which remote object resides; Marshals the parameters Waits for result of method invocation Unmarshals the value or exception returned Returns value to caller On the server side, the skeleton or receiver object Unmarshals the parameters of the remote method Locates object to be called Calls desired method on remote object implementation Captures and marshals return value or exception to the caller. Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

13 5.2 Anatomy of a simple RMI-based application Example 1: Product Info Client-Server
myProduct . getDescription() calls remote / sends arguments Client Server returns description Client program in class ProductClient Remote Interface Product ProductImpl_Stub automatically generated by the rmic compiler from the ProductImpl class Server program in class ProductServer Remote Interface Product Interface Implementation in class ProductImpl ProductImpl_Stub automatically generated by the rmic compiler from the ProductImpl class (HoCo 2002, Ch. 5, Examples 5-1,2,3,5, p ) Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

14 The Remote Interface The remote interface must be public (it cannot have package access, i.e it cannot be "friendly"). Otherwise the client cannot load a remote object that implements the remote interface The remote interface must extend the interface java.rmi.Remote. Each method in the remote interface must declare java.rmi.RemoteException in its throw clause in addition to any application-specific exceptions. This is necessary as remote methods are inherently less reliable than local ones. Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

15 Example: remote interface Product
//The Product information remote interface /** */ import java.rmi.*; public interface Product extends Remote{ public String getDescription( ) throws RemoteException; } remote interface must for all methods in remote interface Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

16 Server Side: Implementing the Remote Interface: class ProductImpl
/** */ import java.rmi.*; import java.rmi.server.*; public class ProductImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject implements Product { //Constructor public ProductImpl ( String n) throws RemoteException { //super(); called by default name = n; } implements remote interface must extend server subclass UnicastRemoteObject, i.e. it is a server class constructor must be explicitly defined, even if it is just the default, because it must throw the RemoteException Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

17 Implementing the Remote Interface: class ProductImpl (continued)
//implementation of remote interface method public String getDescription( ) throws RemoteException { return "I am an excellent " + name + ". Buy me!"; } private String name;//product name Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

18 UnicastRemoteObject - API Specification
public class UnicastRemoteObject extends RemoteServer Concrete class; defines a non-replicated remote object whose references are valid only while the server process is alive; provides support for point-to-point active object references (invocations, parameters, and results) using TCP streams. Object RemoteObject RemoteStub RemoteServer (abstract class) UnicastRemoteObject Remote Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

19 Server Side Security In the main( ) method of the server program (here implemented in class ProductServer) : Create and install security manager to support RMI System.setSecurityManager (new RMISecurityManager( ) ); Note: Server examples in the RMI tutorial documentation typically have a security manager installed. However, it is the client not the server that is more in need of a security manger, at it is the one downloading files. A security manger on the server side is a must only if the server is in its turn a client, or there is a special reason to put restrictions. Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

20 The Server creates and registers remote objects
Create one or more instances of the remote object (ProductImpl); An application can bind, unbind, and rebind registry object references only if it runs on the same host as the registry. This shields the registry from hostile clients attempting to change registry information. However, any client can lookup objects. Register at least one of the remote objects with the RMI remote object registry. The server registers the object with the bootstrap registry service and the client retrieves stubs to those objects. An object is registered by giving the registry its reference and a name: ProductImpl p = new ProductImpl("Laptop"); Naming. bind("//host/Laptop", p); In general: Naming. bind("//<hostName>/<ObjRegistryName>", <objReference>); The RMI default port is 1099 Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

21 The Server … (continued)
Optionally, one can also specify a port instead of the default through: Naming. bind("//host:3000/Laptop", p); In general: Naming. bind ( "//<hostName:portnumber> /<ObjRegistryName>", <objReference>); A remote object can have methods that produce references to other objects. This allows setting it up so that the client goes to the registry only once. As it is notoriously difficult to keep names unique (and the names objects are registered with should be unique), one should register as few objects as possible. If one tries to register an object with a name that is already taken, one gets the AlreadyBoundException. To avoid this one can use rebind() instead of bind(): rebind() either adds a new entry or replaces the existing one. Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

22 The Client accesses remote objects
The client gets access to a server object that implements the interface Product by creating a variable of type interface Product. The value that is looked up and returned by the server is stored in the variable of type interface. The Naming.lookup() method is called and the remote host and object name are specified: Product a = (Product) Naming.lookup(" rmi: //host/Laptop"); or Product a = (Product) Naming.lookup(“rmi: //host:3000/Laptop"); A method on the remote object is then called through a . getDescription() Note: the form of the remote call is exactly the same as the form of a local call!! optional Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

23 Interface Objects Access Remote Objects
The client variable a, making the remote call a . getDescription() is an object of type remote interface (Product), NOT an object of class remote interface implementation (ProductImpl). Why do we cast to the remote interface instead of to the class that implements it? The simple answer is: because the client does not have the class that implements the interface. On the other hand interfaces are abstract entities that define methods only, not objects. Thus whenever we have an object variable of some interface type, it must be bound to a real object. This is where the stub class comes to the rescue!! The interface object refers to a stub object, which is an actual object of the stub class, i.e. when calling the remote method the remote interface object refers to the stub object representing the remote interface implementation class. The client does not actually know the type of the remote object. It relies on the stub that is obtained by running a special compiler rmic on the remote interface implementation class (ProductImpl.class), and is somehow (by hand, or through another call) obtained from the server Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

24 The Server program: class ProductServer
/** */ import java.rmi.*; import java.rmi.server.*; class ProductServer{ public static void main(String args[]) { try{ System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager()); System.out.println("Starting server..."); System.out.println("Creating remote objects..."); ProductImpl p = new ProductImpl("Laptop"); ProductImpl q = new ProductImpl("Display"); System.out.println("Binding remote objects to registry..."); Naming.rebind("//host/Laptop", p); Naming.rebind("//host/Display", q); System.out.println("Waiting for client call..."); }catch (Exception e){ System.out.println("Server error:" + e); } Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

25 The Client program: class ProductClient
//** */ import java.rmi.*; import*; public class ProductClient { public static void main(String args[]){ try{ Product a = (Product)Naming.lookup("//host/Laptop"); Product b = (Product)Naming.lookup("//host/Display"); System.out.println( a.getDescription( ) ); System.out.println(b.getDescription()); }catch (Exception e){ System.out.println("Client error:" + e); } System.exit(0); Client should have security manager to protect Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

26 5.3. Location of RMI class files
When building an RMI application threr are basically five categories of files that are generated Remote interface classes Client implementation classes Server implementation classes , including the remote interface implementation class Stub classes Skeleton classes To run the application these classes must be distributed as follows Client Client implementation classes Remote interface classes Stub classes Server Server implementation classes Remote interface classes Remote interface implementation class Stub classes Skeleton classes Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

27 Server Side Classes and Objects
interface <RemoteInterface> extends Remote class <RemoteInterfaceImpl > extends UnicastRemoteObject implements RemoteInterface //constructor public <RemoteInterfaceImpl> throws RemoteException {…} //implementation of RemoteInterface methods public <remoteMethod> (…) throws RemoteException class <RemoteInterfaceServer> main() create & set RMISecurityManager create server objects <objRemoteInterfaceImpl > of type <RemoteInterfaceImpl> bind <objRemoteInterfaceImpl> through Naming.rebind(" //<host>/<objName ", <objRemoteInterfaceImpl>) class <RemoteInterfaceImpl>_Stub: automatically generated by rmic; class <RemoteInterfaceImpl>_Skel: automatically generated by rmic; not needed in JDK1.2s Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

28 Client Side Classes and Objects
interface <RemoteInterface> extends Remote class <RemoteInterfaceClient> main() set RMISecurityManager create client objects <objRemoteInterface> of type <RemoteInterface> (note difference to server !!) through <RemoteInterface> <objRemoteInterface> = (<RemoteInterface>) Naming.lookup ("//<host>/<objName> ") call remote method through <objRemoteInterface> . <remoteMethod>(…) class RemoteInterfaceImpl_Stub: automatically generated by rmic; Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

29 Location of RMI class files - Notes
The stub classes are executed only by the client. However, they are also needed by the server when it is exporting itself for remote access. Most RMI applications do not have a cleanly separated client and server functionality, i.e. any participating site has elements of the server as well as the client. Indeed , one of the great strength of RMI is that the server can make remote method calls to the client. It is entirely possible to create pure peer-to-peer RMI applications that have no distinction between the their endpoints. In these cases, the site where a given remote object resides should include all class files (thus being the “server” for this object), while the site from which the object is remotely accessed includes only the interface and the stub. Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

30 5.4. Testing the Distributed Application on a single machine
Create two separate directories for the client and the server and place the corresponding *.java files in them. Compile the source files for the interface, implementation, client and server classes, e.g. javac Product*.java C:\Courses\cs667\CompiledExamples\ProductRMI\ProductClient>javac C:\Courses\cs667\CompiledExamples\ProductRMI\ProductClient>dir Directory of C:\Courses\cs667\CompiledExamples\ProductRMI\ProductClient 09/25/ :20 PM Product.class 10/11/ :05 PM 09/25/ :20 PM ProductClient.class 09/25/ :42 PM C:\Courses\cs667\CompiledExamples\ProductRMI\ProductServer>javac C:\Courses\cs667\CompiledExamples\ProductRMI\ProductServer>dir Directory of C:\Courses\cs667\CompiledExamples\ProductRMI\ProductServer 09/25/ :30 PM Product.class 02/04/ :00 AM 09/25/ :30 PM ProductImpl.class 02/04/ :00 AM 09/25/ :30 PM ,096 ProductServer.class 02/04/ :00 AM Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

31 rmic Produces Stub and Skeletons
On server side: compile the <objRemoteInterfaceImpl> with the rmic compiler from the command line (in DOS window), e.g. rmic ProductImpl This produces the stub and skeleton for the implementation: ProductImpl_Stub.class and ProductImpl_Skel.class There is an option for Java 2 compilation rmic –v1.2 ProductImpl that produces only ProductImpl_Stub.class (skeleton is not needed any more) More generally: rmic <options> <ImplementationClassName> (see documentation for rmic optional argument list) C:\Courses\cs667\CompiledExamples\ProductRMI\ProductServer>rmic ProductImpl Directory of C:\Courses\cs667\CompiledExamples\ProductRMI\ProductServer 09/25/ :30 PM Product.class 02/04/ :00 AM 09/25/ :30 PM ProductImpl.class 02/04/ :00 AM 09/25/ :35 PM ,434 ProductImpl_Skel.class 09/25/ :35 PM ,876 ProductImpl_Stub.class 09/25/ :30 PM ,096 ProductServer.class Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

32 Stub Classes Needed by Server and Client
To perform a first test on a single machine without using automatic class downloading place a copy of the stub class in the client directory. (If you did not place and compile a <RemoteInterface>.java file in the client directory, now is the time to place a copy of the <RemoteInterface>.class on the client side). If you are working with projects in an IDE and are starting the server and client from the project, you typically need to add the stubs and skeletons in the corresponding projects. Of course, when deploying a real application the stub and remote interface classes will be always automatically downloaded. The above is for testing purposes only. Note: For the JDK1.1.1 localhost does not work with RMI and the name of the machine must be provided. Under 32 bit Windows you can find the machine name as follows: go to Control Panel, select “Network”, select “Identification” tab and you will see the Computer Name. Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

33 Start the RMI Registry In the server directory start the RMI registry:
start rmiregistry or start rmiregistry 3000 for Windows rmiregistry & or rmiregistry 3000& for Unix Make sure you have an active TCP/IP connection, i.e. you must be connected to your Internet service provider. The registry is launched in separate window and bound to the specified port (default 1099) on machine executing the command. No text/message appears in the command line registry window: If you attempt to start the server before the rmiregistry is running the the java.rmi.ConnectException is thrown. C:\Courses\cs667\CompiledExamples\ProductRMI\ProductServer>start rmiregistry Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

34 Run the Server Start server start java ProductServer for Windows
(w/o start runs in same window) java ProductServer & for Unix Note: In Unix, if the process is not run in the background, it never finishes normally. The main function exits immediately after registration as expected. However, when an object of a class that extends UnicastRemoteObject is created, a separate thread is started that keeps the program alive indefinitely. C:\Courses\667\CompiledExamples\ProductRMI\ProductServer> java ProductServer Starting server... Creating remote objects... Binding remote objects to registry... Waiting for client call... Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

35 Run the Client Start the client, e.g.
start java ProductClient for Windows java ProductClient for Unix C:\Courses\cs667\CompiledExamples\ProductRMI\ProductClient>java ProductClient I am an excellent Laptop. Buy me! I am an excellent Display. Buy me! Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

36 Naming Conventions for RMI classes
no suffix remote interface e.g. Product Impl suffix server class implementing interface e.g. ProductImp Server suffix server program that creates server objects e.g. ProductServer Client suffix client program that calls remote method e.g. ProductClient _Stub suffix stub class automatically generated by rmic e.g. ProductImpl_Stub program _Skel suffix skeleton class automatically generated by rmic e.g. ProductImpl_Skel (needed for JDK 1.1, but nor for 1.2) Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

37 Example 2: Array Math myArrayMath . add(x, y)
calls remote / sends arrays x, y Client Server x+y returns result Server program ArrayMathServer Remote Interface ArrayMath Interface Implementation ArrayMathImpl Client program ArrayMathClient Remote Interface ArrayMath ArrayMathImpl_Stub Stub class of ArrayMathImpl (Mah 2000, p. 115, modified) Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

38 Example 2: Array Math Client-Server - interface ArrayMath
/** */ public interface ArrayMath extends java.rmi.Remote { int[] addArray(int a[], int b[]) throws java.rmi.RemoteException; } Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

39 Example 2: class ArrayMathImpl
import java.rmi.*; import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject; /** */ public class ArrayMathImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject implements ArrayMath{ private String objectName; public ArrayMathImpl (String s) throws RemoteException{ //super( ); called by default objectName = s; } public int[] addArray(int a[], int b[] ) throws RemoteException{ int sum[] = new int[16]; for(int i=0; i<sum.length; i++) sum[i] = a[i] + b[i]; return sum; Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

40 Example 2: class ArrayMathServer
import java.rmi.*; import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject; import*; /** */ class ArrayMathServer{ public static void main (String argv[]) { System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager()); try{ ArrayMathImpl ams = new ArrayMathImpl("ArrayMathServer"); Naming.rebind("//host/ArrayMathServer", ams); System.out.println("ArrayMathServer bound in registry"); }catch (Exception e){ System.out.println("ArrayMathServer error"+ e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

41 Example 2: class ArrayMathClient
import java.rmi.*; import*; /** */ public class ArrayMathClient { public static void main(String argv[]){ int x[]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15}; int y[]={2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2}; int result[]= new int[16]; try{ ArrayMath ams = (ArrayMath)Naming.lookup("//host/ArrayMathServer"); result = ams.addArray(x,y); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("ArrayMathClient: "+ e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

42 Example 2: class ArrayMathClient (continued)
System.out.println("The two arrays are "); for(int j=0; j<x.length; j++) System.out.print(x[j] + " "); System.out.println(); for(int k=0; k<y.length; k++) System.out.print(y[k] + " "); System.out.println("The sum is "); for(int i=0; i<result.length; i++) System.out.print(result[i] + " "); } Fall 2003 CS 667: 5. RMI - Zlateva

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