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Bellringer (2/15/17) What were some of the main goals for countries that engaged in imperialism? How could the policy of imperialism affect relations.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer (2/15/17) What were some of the main goals for countries that engaged in imperialism? How could the policy of imperialism affect relations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer (2/15/17) What were some of the main goals for countries that engaged in imperialism? How could the policy of imperialism affect relations between nations?

2 Today’s Class (2/15/17) Outcome: Agenda:
Be able to identify and explain the causes of World War I. Agenda: Bellringer WWI Introduction M.A.I.N. Causes of WWI Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassination article

3 World War I – At a Glance Nicknames:
“The Great War” “The War to end all wars” Largest conflict the world had then seen Lasted ~4 years Extremely deadly 16 million deaths, 20 million wounded Called the first “modern war” because of technology used. First major conflict after Second Industrial Revolution

4 Why do we call it a world war?
Map of the World showing the Participants in World War I: Green - Allies (some entered/dropped out at various points throughout war) Yellow -  Central Powers Grey -  Neutral Countries

5 M.A.I.N. causes that led to War Section 16.1
The Road to World War I M.A.I.N. causes that led to War Section 16.1

6 Alliances Imperialism Nationalism Causes of World War I Militarism

7 Militarism The practice of imperialism led to many countries increasing their militaries by conscription (draft). By 1914, all European powers had a military draft except for Britain. Each country wanted a stronger army than their potential enemy – created an arms race. Countries followed the policy of militarism – building up military to use as a tool of diplomacy. Britain & Germany began a naval arms race that would involve most major nations around the world.

8 Alliances European countries formed alliances to protect themselves.
By 1907 there were two major defense alliances: Triple Entente (Allies): France, Britain, Russia Triple Alliance (Central Powers): Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, and Italy This system prevented conflict because nations were reluctant to disturb the balance of power.

9 World War I Map

10 World War I- Central Powers & Neutral

11 World War I- Allied Powers

12 Imperialism European nations had been building empires across the globe – Africa, Asia As empires grew, countries began competing with one another for the largest empire. This created conflict among the major European powers.

13 Nationalism Nationalism = a devotion to the interests & culture of one’s nation. This feeling led to competition among countries over who was the “greatest” country. Various European ethnic groups wanted their independence from larger nations they were controlled by. Ex. Serbs living in Austria- Hungary Today - Ethnic Russians living in Crimea (part of Ukraine) wanting to be independent.

14 Nationalism & Anti-Imperialism in Venezuela
“Keep the Imperialist out”

15 The Spark… Ethnic rivalries and conflicting interests of Europe’s major powers made the Balkans Peninsula known as the “powder keg of Europe.” June – Heir to the throne, Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand, visits Sarajevo – capital of Bosnia province. A Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip, shot and killed both the Archduke and his wife Sophie. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia and the alliance system pulled in most of Europe. World War I had begun…


17 The Black Hand Gavrilo Princep was a member. Serbian Nationalist Group
Goal is a free Serbian nation. Resented Austria’s annexation of Bosnia rather than granting Serbians their independence.

18 Schlieffen Plan Developed by German General Alfred von Schlieffen.
The plan said first, Germany would invade France through neutral Belgium and quickly capture Paris. After capturing Paris, Germany would then invade Russia to east.

19 Events Leading up to WWI Using pages 501-502, write in the significant event for each date
1 – June 28 2 - July 23 3 – July 28 4 – July 29 5 – August 1 6 – August 3 7 – August 4

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