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EUSDR Action Plan - Revision

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1 EUSDR Action Plan - Revision
13 June XV PA7 SG Meeting, Bratislava

2 General overview In the Presidency Conclusions of 18 June 2009 the European Council requested the Commission to prepare an EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR). As a result, the Strategy was launched by the means of: Commission Communication to the European Parliament, Council, European Economic and Social Committee and Committee of the Regions of 8 December 2010 setting out the objectives and main issues to address, and Action Plan (Commission Staff Working Document) accompanying the Communication The Strategy was endorsed in April 2011 by the Council. XV PA7 SG Meeting, Hotel Bôrik Bratislava

3 EUSDR – background EUSDR intends:
to develop coordinated policies and actions in the area of the river basin to reinforce the commitments of Europe 2020 strategy towards the smart, sustainable and inclusive growth not to focuse on funding, but rather on enhancing closer cooperation within the concerned territory A key element of the strategy is coordination, by encouraging the increase in the level and quality of network activities, strengthening the existing regional and interregional cooperation but also fostering new cooperation. XV PA7 SG Meeting, Hotel Bôrik Bratislava

4 Action Plan - background
The Action Plan is one of the outputs of the Strategy approach. Its aim is to go from ‘words to actions’ by identifying the concrete priorities for the macro-region. Actions are defined as important issues requiring intervention by the countries and stakeholders to meet the objectives of the Priority Areas. They do not necessarily require financing and can be: A new approach; An increased coordination in policy making; A support to an existing process; A networking initiative. XV PA7 SG Meeting, Hotel Bôrik Bratislava

5 Actions - Projects - Targets
Actions and Projects: Should address identified priorities and be supported clearly by Countries, Commission services, stakeholders; Should reinforce existing EU policies; Should associate existing transnational bodies; Should have a macro regional impact; Should be smart (the Action Plan uses the term “realistic”); Should be mutually supportive. EUSDR Targets: The Council on 13 April 2011 invited the National Coordinators and Priority Area Coordinators to find agreement on realistic and feasible (“smart”) targets The targets set for the EUSDR in 2012 were revised in 2016 in order to update them and make them usable in the framework of the calls launched by the DTP. XV PA7 SG Meeting, Hotel Bôrik Bratislava

6 Action Plan – organization
Action Plan seeks to identify priorities clearly, and make it explicit also who is responsible for their implementation and follow-up. It also aims to assign the responsibilities to different administrative levels and actors within the Region, with support from the other partners, notably the EU Institutions. The Action Plan should be stable for a certain period of time. However, over the years, the priorities may evolve and hence, the actions and projects may be updated, transformed or replaced. The Action Plan is therefore “rolling”, and will be regularly reviewed. XV PA7 SG Meeting, Hotel Bôrik Bratislava

7 The proposed way ahead The revision of the Action Plan so far relates closely to monitoring and evaluation. Monitoring was envisaged as a task for the Danube Strategy Point (DSP) in 2016, but was not developed. The DSP is expected to start functioning in September 2018 and should be able to coordinate the inputs on the revision of the Action Plan from all relevant stakeholders. Since in 2018 new Multiannual Financial Framework as well as proposals for regional and cohesion policy post 2020 started taking shape, the revision of the EUSDR Action Plan should duly take these developments into account. In this framework, deliverables as well as targets bound to 2028 are to be clearly identified. XV PA7 SG Meeting, Hotel Bôrik Bratislava

8 The proposed way ahead The revision of the Action Plan so far relates closely to monitoring and evaluation. Monitoring was envisaged as a task for the Danube Strategy Point in 2016, but was not developed. The DSP is expected to start functioning in September 2018 and should be able to coordinate the inputs on the revision of the Action Plan from all relevant stakeholders. Since in 2018 new Multiannual Financial Framework as well as proposals for regional and cohesion policy post 2020 started taking shape, the revision of the EUSDR Action Plan should duly take these developments into account. In this framework, deliverables as well as targets bound to 2028 are to be clearly identified. XV PA7 SG Meeting, Hotel Bôrik Bratislava

9 Revision procedure all EUSDR stakeholders should be involved following the bottom-up approach and the EUSDR governance structure the discussions should start at the level of the Priority Area Steering Committees followed by the endorsement of the National Coordinators EC through DG REGIO and the relevant line-DGs, shall also be actively involved in the entire process EC informs that Commissioner Crețu is willing to launch the process during a further joint NC-PACs meeting, which is scheduled on 26 June 2018 in Brussels XV PA7 SG Meeting, Hotel Bôrik Bratislava

10 Proposed roadmap towards the revision

11 Inputs from PA7 SG members needed !
Questions for PA7 SG members and stakeholders: Do you agree that there is a need for a review of the EUSDR Action Plan? Do you consider that the Priority Areas should be optimised? Do you have any comments/suggestions on how the revision process should be organized based on the proposed Roadmap? We kindly ask you to send us your inputs before 22 June, 2018 XV PA7 SG Meeting, Hotel Bôrik Bratislava

12 For more information:

13 Examples of the current PA7 Actions
please see p in the Action Plan “To cooperate in implementing the flagship initiative “Innovation Union77 of the Europe 2020 Strategy” “To coordinate better national, regional and EU funds to stimulate excellence in R&D” “To strengthen the capacities of research infrastructure” “To draw up internet strategies”.

14 Examples of the current PA7 Actions
“To promote the exchange of students and scientists in the Danube Region” “To emphasise Danube Region specifics in the curricula of university programmes” “To build upon the existing projects to promote the Information Society in lagging or in rural areas” “To build upon the existing projects to promote the Information Society for SMEs”.

15 Examples of the current PA7 Actions
“To provide ICT based training for general public, especially for prioritized target groups such as low-income, elderly or disabled”. “To use e-content and e-services to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public and private services”. “To stimulate the emergence of innovative ideas for products and services and their wide validation in the field of the Information Society, using the concept of Living Labs” “To promote innovation and business' success in new markets”.

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