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Mr. Watson World History

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1 Mr. Watson World History
Themes of Geography Mr. Watson World History

2 What is Geography A science that deal with the description, distribution and interaction of the physical biological and cultural features of the earth surface.

3 5 Themes of Geography Location
Every place on Earth has a location. Each place has an absolute location which is an exact point on a map.

4 5 Themes of Geography Place
Every place on earth has characteristics that make it different from other places

5 5 Themes of Geography Human- Environment Interaction
It occurs because people are constantly interacting with their surroundings.

6 5 Themes of Geography Movement
People, goods and ideas are constantly moving. This movement is called Spatial Interaction

7 5 Themes of Geography Region
A region is an area defined by common characteristics

8 Summary 5 themes of Geography Location Place
Human-Environment Interaction Movement Region


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