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Risk and Return To risk or not to risk, that is the question…

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Presentation on theme: "Risk and Return To risk or not to risk, that is the question…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Risk and Return To risk or not to risk, that is the question…

2 Standard deviation and normal distribution
normal distribution is completely defined by its mean and standard deviation the probability of abnormally high or low returns depends on the standard deviation Std Devs Cumulative from mean probability %

3 Markowitz Portfolio Theory
Price changes vs. Normal distribution IBM - Daily % change Proportion of Days Daily % Change

4 Calculating mean (or expected) return
Probability Probability Return x return % % Total % Mean or expected return

5 Calculating variance and standard deviation
Deviation Probability from mean x squared Probability Return return deviation % % Total Variance Standard deviation = square root of variance = 14%

6 Calculating variance and standard deviation of Merck returns from past monthly data
from mean Squared Month Return return deviation % % Total Mean: /6 = 2.8% Variance: /6 = Std dev: Sq root of = % per month Annualised std dev: x square root (12) = 20.3%

7 Mean and standard deviation
mean measures average (or expected return) standard deviation (or variance) measures the spread or variability of returns risk averse investors prefer high mean & low standard deviation 20 15 better expected 10 return 5 5 10 15 20 standard deviation

8 Expected portfolio return
Portfolio Expected Proportion x proportion (x) return (r) return (xr) Merck % % McDonald Total % Expected portfolio return

9 Calculating covariance and correlation
Deviation from Probability Return on: mean return: x product of Prob A B A B deviations % % % % Mean Total Std dev Covariance Correlation = = = coefficient (sd A) x (sd B) x 14 covariance 136

10 Calculating covariance and correlation between Merck and McDonald from past monthly data
Deviation Product Return: from mean: of Month Merck McD Merck McD deviations % % % % Total Mean Covariance: /6 = 17.7 Std dev Merck: % Std dev McD: % Corr. co-effic: Cov/(sdMe . sdMcD ) = 17.7/(5.9 x 7.7) = .39

11 Effect of changing correlations: Portfolio of Merck & McDonald

12 Mean & standard deviation: Portfolio of Merck & McDonald

13 The set of portfolios between A and B are efficient portfolios
Expected return B x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x A x x x x x x Standard deviation The set of portfolios between A and B are efficient portfolios

14 Adding a riskless asset to the efficient frontier
tangency portfolio riskless rate

15 Portfolio composition with a riskless asset
Regardless of the investor's attitude to risk, he should split his portfolio between the tangency portfolio and the riskless asset. - the tangency portfolio provides the maximum reward per unit of risk - the riskless asset adjusts the level of risk

16 Two basic ideas about risk and return
1. Investors require compensation for risk 2. They care only about a stock's contribution to portfolio risk

17 Capital asset pricing model
Expected return Expected market return Risk free rate .5 1.0 Beta r = rf + (rm - rf )

18 Capital asset pricing model - example
If Treasury bill rate = % Bristol Myers Squibb beta = Expected market risk premium = % r = rf + beta (rm - rf ) = (8.4) = 12.4%

19 Testing the CAPM Beta vs. Average Risk Premium
Avg Risk Premium 30 20 10 SML Investors Market Portfolio Portfolio Beta 1.0

20 Testing the CAPM Return vs. Book-to-Market Dollars (log scale)
High-minus low book-to-market Small minus big

21 Validity of capital asset pricing model
EVIDENCE IS MIXED: 1. Long-run average returns are significantly related to beta. 2. But beta is not a complete explanation. Low beta stocks have earned higher rates of return than predicted by the model. So have small company stocks and stocks with low price to book value ratios.

22 Capital asset pricing model is attractive
Because: 1. It is simple and usually gives sensible answers. 2. It distinguishes between diversifiable and non-diversifiable risk.

23 CAPM is controversial BECAUSE:
1. No one knows for sure how to define and measure the market portfolio -- and using the wrong market index could lead to the wrong answers. 2. The model is hard to prove -- or disprove. 3. The model has competitors.

24 The Consumption CAPM In standard CAPM, investors are concerned with the level and uncertainty of their wealth. (Consumption is outside the model) In the Consumption CAPM, investors are concerned with the level and uncertainty of their consumption. Stocks that provide low consumption (those with low consumption betas) should have low expected returns. Is the Consumption CAPM useful? It has the advantage that you don’t have to identify the market portfolio. Unfortunately consumption is difficult to measure (especially total consumption for everyone). Consumption CAPM is difficult to apply for practical use.

25 Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT)
APT assumes that r = a + b1 (rfactor 1 ) + b2 (rfactor 2 ) noise Suppose that a diversified portfolio has no exposure to any factor. It is essentially risk-free and should offer a return of rf. So a = rf. The expected risk premium on a portfolio that is exposed only to factor 1 (say) should vary in proportion to its exposure to that factor. If a portfolio is exposed to several factors then its risk will vary in proportion to those factors. So r - rf = b1 (rfactor 1 - rf ) + b2 (rfactor 2 - rf )

26 Arbitrage pricing theory (APT)
Preserves distinction between diversifiable and non-diversifiable risk CAPM and APT can both hold - e.g. CAPM implies one factor APT, with r = r But APT is more general - e.g. unlike CAPM, market portfolio doesn't have to be efficient But usefulness of APT requires heavy-duty statistics to identify factors measure factor returns factor1 m

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