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Development of a three-dimensional short range forecast model

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1 Development of a three-dimensional short range forecast model
Meteorologisches Institut der Universität Bonn Auf dem Hügel 20, Bonn                          Development of a three-dimensional short range forecast model of fog and visibility Matthieu MASBOU & Andreas BOTT COST 722 intercomparaison meeting – 25 June Paris

2 Work environment Parameterized microphysics First tests & outlooks

3 Forecast models at DWD 2 deterministic numerical models
Synoptic scale global model GME Mesoscale model LM (Lokal-Modell)

4 Lokal-Modell (LM) Limited-area model
Model area: Western and Central Europe Mesh size: 7km Number of gridpoints: 325x325x35 Time step: 40sec 48 hours forecast

5 Physics Non hydrostatic compressible model for the mesoscale
Radiation Non hydrostatic compressible model for the mesoscale Moist diabatic processes Parameterizations (describe subscale processes via gridscale variables) Gridscale precipitation (rain or snow from gridscale clouds) Convection (cumulus clouds, thunderstorms, showers) Radiation (short-wave solar radiation, long-wave terrestrial radiation) Boundary layer processes (lowest 1-2 km that are affected by friction, stability of the atmosphere, turbulence) Soil processes (energy and moisture fluxes between soil and atmosphere) Convection Clouds Turbulence Soil processes

6 Our forecast area Determination of a new microscale version of the LM : 325x325x35 (7 km) 50x50x35 (1km) Boundary fields from the operational LM forecast fields Rescaling of the vertical axis Smaller grid boxes near the surface Use of the multilayer soil grid structure : Zs = 0.01, 0.04, 0.1, 0.22, 0.46, 0.94, 1.90 m

7 Parameterized microphysics
Comes from PAFOG (Bott & Trautmann 1997) : Activation : Twomey relation C and k depend on aerosol type S supersaturation Condensation/evaporation : - Parameterization of Köhler equation (Chaumerliac & al. 1987) - Fixed Lognormal distribution for the cloud droplet radius Sedimentation : with Viscosity Reynolds number - Advection Scheme (Bott 1989)

8 Focus our work on a LM-PAFOG Model and its validation
First tests Comparison between PAFOG and LM-PAFOG : - LM-PAFOG : periodic boundaries and homogeneous fields - Large temperature difference in the soil Parameterization for soil modules very different Moreover, different parameterizations of radiation and turbulence Focus our work on a LM-PAFOG Model and its validation

9 First results of our 3D fog model Meteorological situation :
z Meteorological situation : Fog and low clouds Encouraging results : Our model produces low clouds too Time evolution of a Qc profile at hours

Short range : Sensitivity study of our 3D fog model with the data of the Lindenberg Observatory (Germany) VALIDATION STAGE Comparison of our 3D fog model with the data of CDG airport INTERCOMPARISON STAGE Then : Development and implementation of a new spectral microphysical fog module Verification of the spectral microphysical fog model LM-MIFOG Development and implementation of the new parameterized fog module Verification of new parameterized fog model LM-PAFOG Efficient fog forecast for airport, highways, ...

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