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Intentional Phonological Awareness Instruction

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1 Intentional Phonological Awareness Instruction
Ingham Intermediate School District Corrie Mervyn- Early Childhood Supervisor Mary Jo Wegenke- MTSS Coordinator

2 Need: Based on PELI data, we identified a student need to increase phonological awareness instruction across all tiers and within various parts of the day. Fit: Explicit phonological awareness is aligned with Early Childhood Standards of Quality for Pre-Ki and the CCSS for Kindergarten as well as our ISD philosophy of explicit instruction of phonological awareness. Resources: Fiscal: IISD provided training & teaching resources for explicit instruction of phonological awareness. Implementation: Data systems (TS Gold, PELI data) to monitor student outcomes. Evidence: NELP identified phonological awareness as one of the critical skills for emergent literacy. Readiness: Educated teachers on the research and educational impact of teaching phonological awareness. IISD provides tech assistance and instructional resources to teach phonological awareness. Capacity: Expanded training to include paraprofessionals and/or associate teachers.







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