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Course Orientation A159035 Trade Union Training on Rights-based Approach to Labour Migration 27 June to 1 July 2016 Lomé, Togo.

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Presentation on theme: "Course Orientation A159035 Trade Union Training on Rights-based Approach to Labour Migration 27 June to 1 July 2016 Lomé, Togo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Course Orientation A159035 Trade Union Training on Rights-based Approach to Labour Migration 27 June to 1 July 2016 Lomé, Togo

2 Aims of the Orientation Session
To explain the objectives and expected outcomes of the course Review and confirm the course program, methodology and evaluation Set the ground rules and participants’ responsibilities

3 Development Objective
Contribute to the strengthening of trade unions’ capacity to defend and promote the rights of migrant workers within the frameworks of the DWCPs and SDGs processes

4 Immediate Objectives Describe the phenomenon, trends and challenges of labour migration and the ILO’s efforts to protect migrant workers through a rights-based approach; Share experiences on country situations and approaches concerning labour migration; Explain the ILO’s approach to labour migration within the framework of the fair migration agenda 2014 and relevant international labour standards; Describe the key governance principles and institutional coordination concerning migration in Africa; Develop strategies aimed at reinforcing transnational cooperation among workers’ organizations informed by good practices on protection of migrant workers; Explain ITUC campaigns on fair migration agenda 2014 and explores various methods and strategies for organizing workers with migrant background; Prepare individual Action Plans to guide participants’ efforts in defending and promoting migrant workers.

5 Expected Outcomes At the end of the course, it is expected that participants have: Improved knowledge on labour migration and its impact on Africa’s development; Built unions’ policy building blocks and intervention tools underpinned by realistic strategies for the protection and promotion of the rights of migrant workers; Reinforced trade union Network to facilitate the exchange of experiences and sharing of information about labour migration; Developed coordinated actions and strategies to guide trade unions in the defence and promotion of the rights of migrant workers.

6 Course Structure and Contents
Time Monday 27/06/2016 Tuesday 28/06/2016 Wednesday 29/06/2016 Thursday 30/06/2016 Friday 01/07/2016 09:00 – 10:30 Opening Ceremony: Kwasi Adu-Amankwah, ITUC-Africa Harry Canningham, ITCILO Mban Kabu, ACTRAV, ITCILO …………………………………… Administrative arrangements Impromptu Networking and Course Orientation ILO’s Approach to Labour Migration  Monitoring Incidence of The Exploitation of Migrant Workers in Supply Chains and possible Role of the Fair Recruitment Initiative ITUC Campaigns on Fair Migration Agenda 2014 Presentation of Individual Action Plans 10:30 –11:00 Tea/coffee break 11:00 – 13:00 International Labour Migration: Global Overview, Challenges and Key Figures: What do we already know? ILO’s Approaches to Promoting Fair Migration   Panel Discussion Governing Labour Migration and Institutional Coordination in Africa: who does what? Rights-based Approach: Organizing Workers with Migrant Background into Trade Unions (Case Study) Course Evaluation …………….. Closing Ceremony Kwasi Adu-Amankwah, ITUC-Africa 13:00-14:00 Lunch break group photograph 14:00 – 15:30 Country Situations and Experiences Rights-based Approach to Labour Within the Framework of Relevant International Labour Standards and Related Instruments Group Work Partnerships to better Protect Migrant Workers: Alliance-building – national, bilateral and transnational cooperation    Defining Next Steps: Action Planning on Rights-based Approach to Fair Labour Migration Free Afternoo  15:30 – 16:00 16:00 – 17:30 Role of Trade Unions in Promoting Fair Migration Agenda 2014 Presentation of Group Reports and Plenary Discussion Continues …. Free Afternoon

7 Methodology The training will be participatory and will involve a variety of active learning methods and interactive sessions Sharing of experiences is highly encouraged An interactive final session will help in reviewing and in rendering conclusions operational

8 Strategy Each participant will prepare a follow-up Action Plan to enable him/her to transfer the knowledge and skills gained to his/her union or workplace. The Action Plan will be used for impact assessment and as a yardstick to determine future follow-up activities. Guidelines on the preparation of Action Plans will be provided at the appropriate time.

9 Evaluation Daily course evaluation Mid-term course evaluation
End of course evaluation Notes: You are encouraged to give constructive feedback and in the right way Share your observations with others about the course

10 Ground Rules Listen to each other with respect and limit interruptions – commit to ensure the productiveness and success of this course Be PUNCTUAL! – please commit to begin and end on time Switch-off your mobile phones, tablets and computers so as to enable you remain focused.

11 Participants’ Responsibilities
We ask for everyone’s participation and openness to new ideas – your experience is a valuable asset and source of education for all, including us. Daily recaps in the morning of each day: Each participant will inform the group of one or two key ideas that she/he learnt or found useful from the previous day’s sessions and make suggestions for improvement Participants are encouraged to come up with ideas for follow-up work-plan and the final outcomes. Participants to develop their individual action plans. Collectively, participants should establish their group into a Network – that function as a platform/discussion forum

12 Participants’ Profile
A total of 20 participants including: 10 female trade unionists 10 male trade unionists 11 participants from French speaking African countries 9 participants from English speaking African countries 6 participants are 45 years old, 3 are above 45 years and 14 are less than 45 years

13 Resource Persons Staff of ACTRAV-Headquarters Staff of ACTRAV-ITCILO
Staff of ITUC-Africa Staff of TUC-Ghana Representative of Employers’ Association of Togo Representative of Ministry of Labour of Togo

14 Documents for Participants
USB containing: The core documents: Course flyer Course timetable List of participants All power-point presentations Relevant literatures on Labour Migration Useful links and Videos on Migration Individual Action Plans Country Reports

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