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Welcome to 4th Grade Curriculum Night

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 4th Grade Curriculum Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 4th Grade Curriculum Night
Presented by: Mrs. Estrem Ms. Merlino Ms. Pittman Mrs. Philmon Mrs. Stachowski Mrs. Ulveling Please be sure to sign in! “We Are Woodland”

2 Curriculum Night Agenda
Common Core GPS (English/Language Arts and Math) Georgia Performance Standards (Science and Social Studies) Forms of communication Classroom Management Plans Math Station Rotations PBL- Project Based Learning Attendance- PACK TIME Infinite Campus Important Upcoming Dates Helpful Websites

3 Upcoming in… Reading/Language Arts
In Reading /Language Arts, students will learn: The conventions of standard English Narrative and informational writing based on texts Inferencing Finding and supporting the main idea Summary and theme Heavy concentration on vocabulary throughout

4 Upcoming in Math Number and Operations - Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic - Fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm Algebraic Reasoning Solve multistep word problems with whole numbers and having whole number answers using the four operations, including problems in which remainders must be interpreted Finding factors and multiples Note: The 8 Mathematical Practices Standards will be embedded in each unit of study.

5 Upcoming in Social Studies & Science
* Native Americans * Explorers * British Colonial America * Weather * Water Cycle * Space

6 Forms of Communication
Open communication between home and school is extremely vital in your child’s success!  / Phone call Written notes in your child’s agenda or daily folder Twitter Schedule a conference when needed- PLP conferences will be held in October Remind 101 Class Dojo

7 4th Grade Classroom Management
Routines and rituals will be taught and followed daily to build a positive learning environment. However, if students do not follow the classroom rules, the following steps will be taken.   1. Verbal Warning 2. Conference with teacher 3. Call home/Parent conference 4. Think Sheet- 4 think sheets result in an office referral 5. Silent Lunch When positive behaviors are noticed throughout the building and community agreements are followed, students will receive rewards based on their classroom positive points system. This could include positive Dojo points, punches on a punch card, etc. Students have a weekly goal, as well as a nine week goal for earning positive points.

8 Math Station Rotations
Independent Station - Students are independently working on tasks that are relevant to their own learning. Collaborative Station - Students are working with someone or a group of other students to produce or create something collaboratively. Teacher Led Station - Students are working in a small group with the teacher on learning tasks that are relevant to their learning. Technology Station - Students are using technology responsibly and appropriately.

9 PBL- Project Based Learning
Project-based learning is a dynamic approach to teaching in which students explore real-world problems and challenges. With this type of active and engaged learning, students are inspired to obtain a deeper knowledge of the subjects they're studying. Students will participate in a PBL unit once a semester. PBL units on Ecosystems and Space

10 Attendance Students MUST be in class by 7:45 to be marked present. Students arriving after 7:45 must be brought into the front office for check in by parent/guardian. PACK TIME begins at 7:45am each morning.

11 Advisory “PACK Time” Begins daily at 7:45am
Students have 30 minutes of an advisory period in which soft skills (growth mindset, character development, community building, 21st-century skills, goal setting) are emphasized, developed, and taught through the use of a vertically aligned curriculum.  

12 Infinite Campus Parents can view grades online via Parent Portal on Infinite Campus. If you haven’t already done so, please follow directions under “Parent Portal” on our school website to sign up. If you have trouble, please contact the front office to obtain login information to Parent Portal. .

13 Helpful Websites Standards: WES Website: Extra Help:
t.aspx WES Website: Extra Help:

14 Upcoming Important Dates
September 5- No School September Dads Informational Meeting September 8- Skate Night September 13- Truett’s Spirit Night September 14- Fall Pictures September Winter Break October 10- No school for students October Red Ribbon Week and Book Fair November 7-8- No school for students

15 Questions

16 Thank you for attending 4th grade curriculum night!

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