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12.1 Evidence for Continental Drift

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1 12.1 Evidence for Continental Drift
Early maps of the world caused ___________________ to propose the ______________________________________. The continents looked as though they might fit together like ____________________________. The __________________________________actually fit together even better. The original supercontinent was named ___________________by Wegener. Wegener also realized that other evidence also supported his theory. There were matching _________________and rocks on different continents. There were matching __________, like Mesosaurus, on different continents. There was evidence of different __________, (eg. Such as glaciers) on warm continents. Like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, the continents fit together into one, large whole. See pages (c) McGraw Hill Ryerson 2007

2 How Can Continents Move?
Wegener’s evidence for continental drift did not explain how _______________________could change __________________. New scientific equipment allowed scientists to measure the ____________________________ drift of Earth’s tectonic plates. It was noted that ____________________ and ___________________ appear in certain patterns along the edges of tectonic plates. Mapping of the ocean floor revealed the _______________________________, a long mountain range running down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Rocks taken from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge were __________________ than other ocean rocks. Sediments along the ridge became ____________ farther away from the ridge. __________________ shows that iron-based rocks along the ridges are striped with reversing ________________. Volcanoes are frequently found on boundaries between tectonic plates. See pages (c) McGraw Hill Ryerson 2007

3 Sea Floor Spreading: An Explanation
_______________ suggested that magma rose to form new rock at certain places. Magma (______________________) rises and falls like warm and cold liquids. The convection currents of magma formed a spreading ridge where they broke through Earth’s crust. Like a “__________________” conveyer belt Magnetic striping of basalt rock shows long stripes of new rock moving away from ocean ridges and also reveals the direction of Earth’s _________________________________at that time. _____________________ then unified the ideas of Wegener and Hess into the _____________________________________. Continental drift occurs because of areas like these ridges that push along ___________________________________ floating on Earth’s surface. ______________________________are anywhere magma rises to Earth’s surface. See pages (c) McGraw Hill Ryerson 2007

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