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Welcome to the Gray Team Mrs. Murphy.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Gray Team Mrs. Murphy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Gray Team Mrs. Murphy

2 About Me Here’s me in 6th grade Here’s me now!

3 My Family

4 What today looks like? You are in Homeroom right now.
Today is different, from now on you will go to your 1st period at the start of the day. We have a welcome back assembly today in the gymnasium. After the assembly we will follow our normal schedule. You will come back here again at the end of the day. This is also your SI class also. There is no SI today. We get out of school at 1:30 today!

5 Schedule Today 8:30 – go to the gym for your first MMS assembly 9:00 – 1st period 9:28 – 2nd period 9:56 – 3rd period 10:24 – 4th period 10:52 – 5th period 11:31 – 6th period (LUNCH!) 12:10 – 7th period (Wellness/Encore) 12:49 – 8th period (Wellness/Encore) 1:17 – Homeroom 1:30 – End of day!

6 Walking in the halls To an assembly: Any other time:
Stay to the right of the hall because 7th grade will be to the left Walk single file with your homeroom Quiet voices (lots of students = lots of noise) Any other time: Stay to the right Walk in pairs or single file Quiet voices (classes may be in session)

7 The Assembly What it looks like:
Enter through the farthest doors down. If you are first in the bleachers start at the top of the 2nd set of bleachers in. Otherwise just follow the line to the next row down. If the 2nd set of bleachers in is full go to the set of bleachers closest to you when you walk in and start at the top row. Sit as a Homeroom. We will probably take up 2 rows. Talk quietly until it starts. Be respectful of the speaker & listen unless told to make noise.

8 Planner Open to p.2 and fill in the top of the page
Name, Grade (6), Homeroom Teacher (Mrs. Murphy), Team (Gray) Scavenger Hunt handout Start on this…we will go over the answers either this afternoon during Homeroom or tomorrow during 9th period SI.

9 Infraction/Late Work Page

10 Counselors Mrs. Holm Mr. Adamson

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