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Act 1 continued....

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1 Act 1 continued...

2 Warm Up Do you believe that revenge is ever justified? If so, when?

3 10/11 and 10/12: i-day (but not really… we’ll reschedule)
Warm Up Announcements: QUIZ NEXT CLASS (over notes and vocabulary) Vocabulary Squares (finish last 3 words) Watch Act 1, Scene 2: Hamlet’s Soliloquy Analyzing Hamlet’s first soliloquy I can analyze the characters and action in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. (RL.12.1 and RL.12.4)

4 Finishing Vocabulary

5 Vocabulary List: Act 1 apparition [ap´ə rish ən] n. ghost; spirit
calumnious [kə lum ne¯ əs] adj. slanderous canon [kan ən] n. church law countenance [koun tə nəns] n. face; expression discourse [dis kors´] n. conversation imminent [im ə nənt] adj. ready to happen; inevitable perilous [per ə ləs] adj. dangerous portentous [por ten təs] adj. threatening prodigal [prod i əl] adj. wasteful; extravagant sullied [sul e¯d] adj. tarnished

6 VOCABULARY SQUARES Vocabulary Squares Rules:
Create 3 three-word phrases that describe/define the word. You may not use the same word more than once in a 3x3 block. You may not use the vocabulary word in the 3x3 block.

7 Continue Movie... After Hamlet’s first soliloquy we will analyze exactly what he said. Pay attention!

8 Analyzing Hamlet’s Soliloquy
Get a book. Work on the worksheet in front of you. You may work with a partner for these questions. Please look up vocabulary you do not know on your phone or in a dictionary. Ask me if you have any questions!

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