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Brazil Geography.

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1 Brazil Geography

2 Introduction Two major types of land forms in Brazil
Plains Plateaus Escarpment – steep cliff between two level areas at different heights Located behind the coastal plains is a plateau The escarpment is located where these two areas meet

3 Escarpment

4 Northeast Region

5 Northeast Region Bulges out into the Atlantic Ocean
Portuguese colonists in the 1500s Built sugar plantations Lots of port cities Lots of slaves were brought to work on plantations Severe poverty, chronic malnutrition Life expectancy of 49 years

6 Sugar Plantations

7 Southeast Region

8 Southeast Region 40% of population lives here
Brazil’s economic heartland Humid, subtropical climate, rich soil Cash crops  cotton, sugar cane, rice, cacao Coffee = most important crop Brazil grows ¼ of the world’s coffee supply

9 Southeast Region Most people live in Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paulo
Beauty, excitement, good economy  draw people to these cities Migrants are undereducated, inexperienced Many find no jobs, or low paying ones Live in favelas – slum communities

10 Favelas

11 Southeast Region Most people associate Rio de Janeiro with Carnival
Famous festival Takes place during the four days before Lent Music, dancing (particularly samba), floats, costumes Giant parties in the streets Samba (in beginning) Serena Cuevas & Jonia

12 Carnival

13 Brazilian Highlands

14 Brazilian Highlands Lots of hills located on the central plateau
Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, is in this area Capital used to be Rio de Janeiro Government decided to change it in hopes of developing the interior of the country

15 Rio and Brasilia View of Rio de Janeiro Cathedral in Brasilia

16 Amazon River Region

17 Amazon River Region Largest and least explored region
Never ending growing season Amazon Rainforest is home to thousands of species of plants and animals Orchids Palms Monkeys Jaguars Toucans Piranha Dolphins

18 Amazon River

19 The Amazon Indians 200,00 Indians from 180 different tribes live here
Linked through trade networks There used to be many more (2-5 million), but they were killed by the Portuguese or their diseases Tribes are often isolated, not always exposed to modern diseases Panara tribe was devastated when a highway was built through their tribe and they were exposed to disease Government has tried to preserve Indian communities by setting up reservations Opponents argue that this will CAUSE Indians to lose their culture as their way of life changes

20 Amazon Indians

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