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Inflation Part II….

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1 Inflation Part II…

2 GDP Deflator Nominal- absolute dollars
Purpose: Converts Nominal GDP into Real GDP Nominal- absolute dollars Real- inflation adjusted dollars Real also called “Constant Dollars “ Only Real GDP reflects true quantity of goods/services

3 GDP Deflator vs. CPI 2 important differences often cause them to diverge GDP deflator reflects prices of all goods/services produced domestically broader index CPI index reflects prices of a market basket of goods/services bought by consumers includes international goods Narrow index

4 X 100 GDP Deflator = Example: 2004 10 $100 $10 2005 12 $150 $18
Year Qty Px Nominal GDP $ $10 $150 $18 $200 $28 Nominal GDP Real GDP X 100 GDP Deflator = Year GDP Deflator ($10/10) X = 100 ($18/12) X = 150 ($28/14) X = 200 Base Year will Always be 100 Real GDP = Nominal GDP X (2004 dollars) Price Index $28/200 * 100 = $14

5 Two Measures of Inflation
Percent per Year 15 Oil Spikes raises CPI more than GDP Deflator CPI 10 GDP deflator 5 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

6 Inflation: Expected vs. Unexpected
Unexpected or sudden inflation is what really creates winners & losers in our economy In theory, as long as actual inflation is predictable (i.e. = expected inflation), workers, employers, savers, lenders & borrowers have time to adjust & plan for it. (less harmful) ? Expected Inflation Actual Inflation

7 Who is Hurt by Unexpected Inflation?
People on a fixed income Minimum wage workers Savers

8 Who is Helped by inflation?
People in large amount of Debt Fixed interest rates on Mortgages, Car Loans, Student Loans

9 2-Types of Inflation Demand-Pull Inflation: Cost-Push Inflation
Too many dollars chasing too few goods Spending increases faster than production Demand Side Inflation Cost-Push Inflation Increase in cost of any factors of production (input prices) examples: price of oil, labor, steel, etc….) Supply Side Inflation

10 Inflation Worksheet

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