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Deep-sea mixing along 40oS as seen in radium isotopes and actinium

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Presentation on theme: "Deep-sea mixing along 40oS as seen in radium isotopes and actinium"— Presentation transcript:

1 Deep-sea mixing along 40oS as seen in radium isotopes and actinium
Walter Geibert, Alan Hsieh, Raja Ganeshram, Gideon M Henderson

2 Vertical mixing constrained with actinium: Example from D357 (St.11)

3 Actinium Profiles from 40 S

4 Actinium and mixing in the South Atlantic

5 A new method to determine 226Ra in water

6 Comparison of new method with traditional ϒ-spectrometry
Valenti Rodellas- UA Barcelona (on Thursday) signal on RadeCC 226Ra [dpm] Very cheap and simple method to determine 226Ra in water

7 Summary Final measurement still stands out (planned for October-November) Preliminary data show vertical mixing in the lower 1000m between ~0.5 and 10 cm2/s Data point to an additional source and lateral mixing in ~ m- Other data? Evaluation has resulted a very promising method to measure 226Ra with a simple counting system.

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