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Liaison Meeting September 18, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Liaison Meeting September 18, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Liaison Meeting
September 18, 2014

2 Agenda Assessing Critical Thinking – Information & Action
“Update” of SLOs & PLOs - Review Assessment Plan for each Department – The Plan

3 I. Assessing Critical Thinking

4 I.a. Assessing Critical Thinking

5 I.b. Enter Means of Assessment

6 I.c. Enter Data Summary - Select

7 I.d. Enter Data Summary

8 II. Department Chairs as well as SLO Liaisons have privilege to edit, add SLO statements. Rule 1: DO NOT DELETE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rule 2: DO NOT CHANGE THE WORDING!!!!!!!!!

9 II. Department Chairs as well as SLO Liaisons have privilege to edit, add SLO statements. Rule 1: DO NOT DELETE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rule 2: DO NOT CHANGE THE WORDING!!!!!!!!!

10 II. Set SLO Status to “Archived SLO Statement”
Step 2: the Old: Choose “Archived SLO Statement”

11 “Update” SLO = New SLO Step 3: Click on “Add New SLO “:
If previous highest SLO was CIS2_SLO_3, new will be CIS2_SLO_4

12 Update PLOs Follow exact same procedure
Do conform to original naming of outcome statements. DEP#_SLO_# MUSI10A_SLO_1 Name PLO_# Philosophy PLO_1

13 III. 2014-15 SLO Assessment Plan

14 III.a. Liaison SLO Assessment Plan

15 III.b. Liaison SLO Assessment Plan

16 III.c. Department Level Assessment Plan

17 III.d. Department Level Assessment Plan

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