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The Evoluton of the Information Machine

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Presentation on theme: "The Evoluton of the Information Machine"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Evoluton of the Information Machine

2 A Brief History of Computing
…In which we find that computers are misnamed. For a more complete history, see Campbell-Kelly, M., & Aspray, W. (1996). Computer: a history of the information machine. ( ed.). New York, NY: BasicBooks.

3 At the start, it was a good name…
The word “computer” was first used to refer to a person employed to make calculations. The meaning was extended to include mechanical calculating devices, such as slide rules, adding machines, etc. Inputs Compute Outputs Examples: Solving complex equations Calculating trajectories

4 From Computer to Information Machine
Today, the ability to perform calculations is secondary Electronic computers primary function is the storage, manipulation, communication and presentation of information Kelly Garrett: Campbell-Kelly and Aspray p9,28

5 Storage and Interactivity
Combining calculation and storage allows: Aggregation of inputs over time Delayed output Enhanced access Human involvement closes the loop Input Output More input

6 The Modern Electronic Computer
Modern computers rely on this combination of capabilities for most tasks. Word processing Financial analysis, payroll, and accounting Data management Scientific analysis The way that we interact with these machines has also evolved.

7 Multi-tasking Early computers were very expensive
One computer shared by many people

8 Graphical User Interfaces
GUI versus command line WIMP Windows Icon Mouse Pointer This is about to change?

9 Networked Computers Move (communicate) data
Using phone lines, network wires, wireless, etc.

10 Current Trends Mobility Ubiquity Embedding Examples in the room?

11 Technical Enablers Better Engineering Infrastructure Investment
Moore’s Law Double the performance every months Infrastructure Investment Networks Mobile devices

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