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FSA Supporting Paragraph Rewrite

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1 FSA Supporting Paragraph Rewrite

2 First Sentence Focus on Student Ideas Has No Evidence
Structure Use the Recipe =Stem of Question + Specific Student Detail that supports your Position Strong Student Ideas Make Sure You Have a Strong Reason That supports Your Position

3 BODY ALL Body Sentences Have Evidence= Quotes or Paraphrases
Citations= Document #, Expert’s Name Or Article Title Connection to Your Position= Student Idea Example= Student uniforms are a good idea because they Student Idea encourage “ focus on academics not fashion” (Document 2). Evidence Citation

4 Body Sentence Recipe Student Idea+ Evidence ( Quote or Paraphrase) +Citation ( in any order) Example According to Dr. Seuss wearing uniforms are good for the school environment because they help build democratic communities. “School uniform help everyone feel on the same level rather than showcasing economic disparities” asserts Dr. Seuss proving that uniform make a better learning environment. Orange= Evidence Red= Citation Purple= Student Ideas

5 Last Sentence Only has Student Ideas = NO Evidence
Your First & Last Sentence Need to be similar There is No Evidence= No Quote or Paraphrases Focus on Student Ideas= Connect your Position To a Strong Reason Stem of Question + Strong Reason/Idea

6 Remember =OREO Structure
First Sentence= Student Ideas Body Sentences= Evidence+ Student Ideas+ Citations Last Sentence=Student Ideas

7 Reminders of Writing “Don’ts”
Do Not Begin a Sentence with “For Example”, In Conclusion” or “To Begin” DO Not Have Evidence in the First and Last Sentence DO NOT List Evidence/ Quotes=All evidence needs to be connected to Your Position Do Not Have Skinny Paragraphs = Should have a minimum of 6 Sentences

8 RE-Read, Edit & Type your final Draft
Re-read your Paragraph to Make sure - It Flows The Evidence Supports Your Position You Did Not Use “For Example” As a Beginning You have a Idea , Evidence + Citation in Each Sentence You Have 6+ Sentences 2) Edit Your Paragraph for Spelling Mistake Grammar Errors First Sentence is Indented 3) Type your Paragraph Use Times New Roman –Double -spaced a 12 Font

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