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REACH GADSL Report and Annex XIV

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1 REACH GADSL Report and Annex XIV
Doris Hill General Motors

2 GADSL Authorization Discussion
Intention is to determine how to reflect substances on the authorization list in GADSL. Americas Team approved Automotive Task Force Proposal. EU Team had more questions. James Lundstrom will bring this up in the GADSL global coordination team for resolution.

3 2nd Candidate List List was published on August 31.
An analysis was done with the GADSL and IMDS Basic Substance Lists for # of occurrences in IMDS Declarable / Prohibited Status in GADSL Goal is to determine potential changes for the industry and the impact on the GADSL.

4 Initial Observations 15 substances were investigated.
Six of the 15 are not in the IMDS basic substance list and may not be automotive. Four of the 15 have usage and are not declarable in GADSL. These may be good candidates to add to GADSL. Three of the 15 are variations of lead chromate already covered by the EU ELV. The remaining two are declarable. # of occurrences is relatively low <

5 Six Substances not in IMDS Basic Substances List

6 Four with usage, but not declarable

7 Three already covered by EU ELV

8 Two Declarable in GADSL

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