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Today’s Menu… Warm Up: Comma Usage Station (hallway)

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Menu… Warm Up: Comma Usage Station (hallway)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Menu… Warm Up: Comma Usage Station (hallway)
Parallel Structure (desk work) Work Session (All completed work is due by the beginning of Friday’s class) Choose order and prioritize tasks yourself Springboard pages (only complete readings & questions that follow each) Independent Reading (halfway through the book) Complete Do Now #7- “Book Talk Launch” (notebook) USATestPrep Assignments (see me for a laptop- LIMITED supply) Closing: Exit Ticket- “The Fallibility of Fascism” (sticky note)

2 Do Now #7- “Book Talk Launch”
As you should be halfway through your book by this point, I want you to share your reading experiences in small groups. After our vocabulary assessment this Friday, we will be in assigned small groups to discuss your books. Choose your response from the following options. This will response will serve an essential role in a later project, so I am requiring a FULL PAGE response for whichever option you choose. (REQUIRED)- Twitter Response: Use NO MORE THAN 280 letters to describe the plot of your independent reading novel. (CHOOSE ONE)- What are your three favorite quotes from the portion of your novel you read? Transcribe each, provide a parenthetical citation, and explain the significance of each quote to you. What characters do you think are the most interesting and why? How do these characters pursue their aims and what seem to be their goals? What are the larger ideas the author is exploring? Why do you think the author decided to tell this story in the first place? How effective is he or she at telling this story?

3 “The Fallibility of Fascism”
Traditionally, the symbol of fascism is a bundle of sticks bound together with rope or cloth strings. The idea being that when individuals give up their own ideas of freedom and work together, we all are stronger as a result. But Fascism suffers from the fallibility of ignoring human nature and the dominance of individual identity. -Rewrite the bold faced sentence. Retain the meaning of the sentence, but revise it to sound more formal and fitting with the rest of the paragraph. -Which sentence is the “claim statement” (or topic sentence, thesis statement, etc.)? -Writing an introduction like this, I used an approach to writing introductions called “the definition approach.” Why is it named this and what information is needed beforehand to use this approach effectively? (this one is from a sophomore undergrad history paper I wrote in 1992)

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