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Our Worship To God John 4: Our Worship To God John 4:19-24.

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2 Our Worship To God John 4:19-24

3 Worship is between God and me!
It’s My “right” to choose when/how I Worship Remember who God is (Know God) God is the “giver” and “taker” of ALL things (Job 1:21) We will ALL bow and confess God (Rom 14:11) God requires our submission Submit to God… (James 4:7) As we do our earthly fathers (Heb 12:9) We can choose “IF” we will worship God but NOT when or how.

4 My Worship is between God and me!
My choice is no one else’s business! Actually God says it should be… Submitting to each other (Eph 5:21) Obeying local elders (1 Thess 5:12) How else can we be in Harmony/Unity? Like minded, same love, one accord (Phil 2:2) Being of the “same” mind (Rom 12:16) If we submit to God, we must submit to each other, which makes our worship their business.

5 My Worship is between God and me!
How I worship has no impact on others God’s pattern of worship says it does… Speaking to “others” in song (Eph 5:19) Considering, provoking & exhorting (Heb 10:24- 25) Working side-by-side in worship… Striving (working) together (Phil 1:27) Thinking more of others, than self (Phil 2:3-4) Our worship does (or should) have an impact on others!

6 We are only required to worship 1/week
Anything beyond Sunday is “Extra” How does God feel about “extra”… We are to be “Living Sacrifices” (Rom 12:1) Is that “too much” for us? (Mal 1:13-14) Shouldn’t we… Have, a burning fire in our heart (Jer 20:9) Be hungering and Thirsting… (Matt 5:6) When God, and His word are a burning fire, that we hunger & thirst for, nothing will feel “extra” to us!

7 We are only required to worship 1/week
Requiring more is “adding to” God’s word Many scriptures that have reference to this… From OT – NT; (Duet 4:2, Duet 12:32, Rev 22:18) This law is in regards to changing “what” is asked of us, not “how much” we do! God indeed asks that we do “more”… Abound/increase more and more (1 Thess 4:1;10) Additional references Matt 5:6, Acts 17:11, 2 Cor 8:7 So we can be sincere, without offense, filled with righteousness! (Phil 1:9-11)

8 I can worship God without “church”
Nature is my church! God tells us to set our hearts on… Things “not of this world” (1 John 2:15) Things “above” spiritual (Col 3:2; Rom 8:4-6) Nature is only temporary… Moth/rust corrupt, Thieves steal (Matt 6:19-21) Earth & works therein - burned up (2 Pet 3:10-13) While “nature” reveals God, it is not a COMPLETE revelation of his will!

9 I can worship God without “church”
“Home church” (worship) is just as good! Jeroboam changed God’s plan for worship… Too far to travel to Jerusalem (1 Kings 12:28) Golden Idols, changed the time (v28 & 32) This thing became a sin! (v30) “and Jeroboam, son of Nebot, caused Israel to sin in all that he did” is noted some 21 times Paul called this “will worship” (kjv) “Self-made” religion (Col 2:23 esv) Self-made is not God-made and therefore not accepted by God!

10 I can worship God without “church”
I am closer to God when I am alone with Him Worship involves the body (church) Members one of another (Eph 4:25) Means “Together” not alone NT Church shows acts of worship “Together” To break bread (Communion) (Acts 20:7) “Speaking” to each other (singing) (Eph 5:19) To fulfill God’s purpose Fitly joined together, every joint supplying, effectual working of every part (Eph 4:16)

11 What have we learned? My Worship is between God and me!
We are only required to worship 1/week I can worship without “church” The “I” or “Me” attitude causes us to want to do “less” and we distance ourselves from God!

12 What have we learned? My Worship is between God and me!
We can choose “IF” we worship NOT when/how If we submit to God, we must submit to each other Our worship does have an impact on others! We are only required to worship 1/week When God, and His word are a burning fire, that we hunger & thirst for, nothing will feel “extra” to us! God asks us to do “more” I can worship without “church” “Nature” does not completely reveal God & his plan “Home” church does not meet God’s requirements Being “alone” with God, leaves our worship & others lacking

13 How can I get to Heaven? If you have never committed your life to God…
Hear his word as you have today - (Rom 10:17) Believe be convinced of what you have heard - (Acts 8:37) Repent of what you now know is sin - (Acts 17:30) Confess Your belief in Jesus - (Matt 10:32) Baptized to wash away your sins & be saved - (1 Pet 3:21) Faithfully serve God each day - (1 Cor 15:58) If you have committed your life to God and fallen away… Repent and pray your sins to be forgiven - (Acts 8:22)


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