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Todays AIIM Webinar: Digital Signatures & Your Offerings Webinar Sponsored by:

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1 Todays AIIM Webinar: Digital Signatures & Your Offerings Webinar Sponsored by:

2 CoSign® Digital Signatures: Welcome to VARs or ISVs John Marchioni VP Business Development, ARX ARX | 855 Folsom St. Suite 939 San Francisco, CA | (415) 839 8161 | |

3 Agenda About ARX What are digital signatures? Why digital signatures? The CoSign Digital Signature Solution Advantages for VARs and ISVs Q&A

4 About ARX Global provider of cost-efficient digital signature solutions Market Footprint - over 5 million users worldwide Only company to enable any organization of any size, technical skill level, and/or resource level to deploy and scale digital signatures that support multiple Applications, Regulatory Requirements, Domains, and Security Policies Industries: life sciences, healthcare, government, engineering, energy… Target: Enterprise, B2B and B2C signers (onsite & SaaS installations) Partners: VARs & ISVs: DM, Workflow, ECM, RM, and BPM Solutions

5 What are Digital Signatures?

6 Live Demos

7 Meeting Your Business Requirements Intent Integrity Identity

8 The Technology Behind Digital Signatures Digital fingerprint of a document + Digital Identity of a signer Digital signature is unique to both document & signer Digitally signed documents have legal effect and trust outside of the organization Done in the background in less than a second! Document Digital Signature Signed Document + Document Hash Signers Private Key Signers ID & Public Key X

9 Why Digital Signatures?

10 Automate signature-dependent processes approvals, agreements, and acceptance. Integrity and Verification inside & outside the organization; all along a workflow or collaborative process, and in the records archive. Audit, regulatory, & governance compliance & GxP.

11 Customers Documents Need Signatures Transactional Document ExamplesGovernance Document Examples Claims Clinical Documentation Customer service change orders Designs, Drawings, Plans Field Service, Maintenance, and Calibrations Reports General Contracts, Master Service, and Sub-contractor Agreements HIPAA patient forms and consent forms Invoices Lab Reports, Notes, and Certificates of Analysis Lease Agreements Loan Agreements Manufacturing Instructions and Reports Medical Records Purchase Orders Sale Proposals Test Procedures Work Orders Board Actions Corporate Communications and Public Reports Disbursements: Check, Wire Transfer Orders, and ACH Transactions Employee Actions Employee Benefit Changes Employee On-Boarding Documents Employee Time Sheets Employee Training Acknowledgements Expense Reports & Re-imbursement Approvals Financial Spreadsheets: Data Collection and Aggregation Gift Records Journal Entries related to Accounting and General Ledger Standard Operating Procedures, Policies, Work Instructions, and Training Documents Tax Filings

12 Digital Signatures: So what? Standard technology that provides: Universally verifiable signatures & documents anytime/anywhere Signed documents that have effect outside the system that created them Technology that will outlive vendor & user Prevents vendor lock (and vendor gridlock) Technology that is well known, peer-reviewed and vetted: Stanford (Diffie-Hellman) MIT & Weizmann Institute (RSA) Signature technology that is immune to forgery Technology that is endorsed by: Governments Standards & Regulatory Bodies Fortune 500 Corporations EU DIRECTIVE ON ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES

13 Legislation Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) – 1999 Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (E-Sign) – 2000 EU Directive for Electronic Signatures – 1999 These Acts give legal force and effect to digital signatures.

14 CoSign® Digital Signatures

15 CoSign Features Centrally Controlled Quick ROIWorkflow Integrated Globally Acceptable

16 CoSign: Meeting Business Requirements Binds an identity to an electronic document, transaction, or authorization within a business process; Maintains the 3 Is of proof: signer Identity, signer Intent and document Integrity within the document: CoSign digital signatures are an international standard that allow signed- document portability and value across organizational boundaries. Identity Intent Integrity

17 CoSign: Supporting Your Applications PowerPoint 00/03/07/10 Tiff Images PDF & PDF/A Outlook Excel 00/XP/03/07/10 Word 00/XP/03/07/10 AutoCAD WordPerfect InfoPath Virtual Signing Web Forms An Application-Compatible Signature Mechanism MicroStation

18 The CoSign Product 4U CoSign FIPS (140-2 level 3 Secure) With built-in Enterprise-application support LCES UCM Turn-key solution, installs in less than 3 hours; Two options/models: 1U CoSign Enterprise

19 CoSign Architecture

20 CoSign Deployment Architecture Desktop App over Authenticated SSL/TLS Private-key Ops; Key- Repository Management Built-in CA [or 3 rd Party CA] Graphic-Signature Management Directory Administrator FIPS 140-2 level 3 Appliance Appliance listens to Directory to keep Signature Keys & Certificates lifecycle syncd with User management policy Browser App Mobile App Authenticated SSL/TLS Document/Forms Server with Web Services Network/Internet Central Control Point

21 CoSign Complements Microsoft Solutions Out-of-the-box advanced signature support for: Office 00/XP/03/07/10 Word, Excel, PowerPoint signing; Only solution that provides sectional & interdependent signatures in MS Word and Excel; Only solution that provides backward-compatible signatures between versions of MS Office;.XPS signing; InfoPath signing; Outlook/Windows Live Mail signing; PDF and PDF/A signing. Out-of-the-box integrated with Active Directory (AD, AD LDS); Out-of-the-box integrated with Windows Kerberos authentication; Supported on various MS OS platforms, including 64bit OS; CoSign is 100% MS.NET ready (both the solution and the SDK); CoSigns CA is a preferred digital ID solution for MS Office users; CoSign has a management snap-in for MMC.

22 CoSign Complements SharePoint CoSign is the leading digital signature solution for SharePoint: Only solution that enables PDF/PDFA signing within a SharePoint Environment; CoSign + SharePoint provide a reliable and trusted sequential-approval process; Only solution that provides users with a consistent set of signature rules needed within regulated markets; Only solution that protects against signature corruption when Office 2007 documents are signed and then checked into SharePoint; Only solution that allows users to view signature status on lists of documents without having to open each document one at a time; Only solution that provides end-user digital signatures without distributing keys and certificates on PC hard disks, or in smartcards or USB tokens; Supports SharePoint Mobile for signing from mobile devices; CoSign is the preferred digital-ID solution for SharePoint users; CoSign + SharePoint provide a sequential-approval process.

23 CoSign with SharePoint

24 Case Studies

25 Case Study: Implementation of CoSign enabled: Rich digital signature features in NextDocs products Digitally signing documents within NextDocs Document & Quality Management software suite A whole solution for a completely electronic process Reducing time and cost of workflow processes The impact for NextDocs customers: No paper fully electronic workflow Compliance with FDA 21 CFR Part 11 and SOX Exchanging secure documentation with external business partners/suppliers/clients

26 The impact for NextDocs: Ability to offer a complete product Complete return on investment: NextDocs sold the integrated solution 90+ times over the past 3 years Established leadership in Life Sciences, including customers of the largest pharmaceutical and medical device companies in the world CoSign provided a high-level API (SAPI®) for our web application integration, and virtually zero system administration once deployed" Zikria Syed, CEO Case Study:

27 A leading engineering consultancy Engineers do on-site quality control & submit signed reports Under SharePoint alone: Field staff still submitted signed paper reports Collaboration with customers was a mix of SharePoint and paper Concluded they needed a digital signature solution to enhance SharePoint

28 Case Study: Added CoSign using CoSigns Add-on module for SharePoint servers Centralized signer privilege and credential management Driven through Active Directory® PDF signing under SharePoint Document-library and document-list signing

29 Case Study: The Impact: No paper instant reporting Tightened collaboration with customers Faster customer service Payback (ROI) for CoSign was between 3-4 months CoSign with SharePoint has changed the way were doing business. It has saved us money and significantly improved our customer service." Hans Christansen, CEO

30 ARX CoSign® Partnership Advantages

31 VAR-Services Revenue above Product Revenue Training: For end users; For administrators/help desk. Installation/Deployment: Deployment planning; Hand holding for installation/deployment. Site Survey and Follow-on Services: Identification of documents and forms that require signatures; needs for signatures includes: approval, acceptance, agreement, confirmation, or declaration; document/form contexts include: PDF, Word, Excel, InfoPath, Lotus, and many others. Remediation of documents and forms to make ready for digital signing; to design the templates and designate form authors and signers; Alignment of forms with specific workflows; workflow definition/mapping, development, and staging; Define form/document lifecycle policy through to archive and disposal; Review and update SoP/Governance Procedures; Staging services prior to production deployment.

32 Partnership Advantages High demand product with brand equity Pre-integrated with content authoring applications (e.g., MS Office, Adobe, Lotus, AutoDESK, etc.) Pre-integrated with leading ECM/Workflow solutions Good progressive product discounts Value-added Service revenues Dedicated backline support resources Qualified Lead handoff More…

33 ARX ARX Questions? Try CoSign for free today Visit to get your free CoSign trial

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