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Welcome back the children have settled back really quickly and are showing fantastic learning behaviours in the classroom and we have welcomed some excellent.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome back the children have settled back really quickly and are showing fantastic learning behaviours in the classroom and we have welcomed some excellent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome back the children have settled back really quickly and are showing fantastic learning behaviours in the classroom and we have welcomed some excellent new staff to St Mark’s Achievements from last year and a look at the priorities we have set for next year Harrisons are here - thankyou to Emma our cook who has worked hard with us to develop a healthy menu – please try some

2 2017-2018 Improvement in maths teaching across the school
Writing across the school has improved Moderation of writing with other schools Improvements to the learning environment Moderation of Early Years provision and outcomes School to school support - new curriculum leads Recruitment of excellent new staff End of Year data remains in line with National Maths – INSET – problem solving and reasoning – not just rehearsing a skill but applying it – teachers modelling thinking and strategies Writing – use of high quality texts – moderation checking our assessment is in line with other schools – high expectations – looking to improve Environment – book corners working walls, scaffolds, displays School to school – support from networks – review of the school external validation

3 Outcomes for Pupils at the End of the Early Years Foundation Stage
Good Level of Development %St Mark’s 2016 %St Mark’s 2017 %St Mark’s 2018 % pupils nationally (provisional) Pupils achieving or exceeding the expected level in all the prime (PSED, PD C&L) literacy and mathematics early learning goals. 70.5% 81% 77% 75%

4 Outcomes for Pupils at the End of Key stage 1
Reading Writing Maths At/Above Above National * 75% 26% 69% 16% 76% 22% Year 78% 21% 30% Year 80% 41% 73% 23% 40% Phonics outcomes Year 1% wa End of Year 2 % wa School 2017 75% 83% School 2018 90% 92% National*

5 Outcomes for Pupils at the End of Key stage 2
Year 6 Reading (Test) GPS (Test) Writing (TA) Maths (Test) Nat* 2018 St Mark’s 2017 St Mark’s 2018 Nat 2017 Expected Standard + 75% 83% 73% 78% 79% 76% 84% 81% Higher Standard 25% 30% 27% 31% 36% 28% 15% 20% 19% 23% Expected in Reading, writing and maths National 2017  St Mark’s 2016 St 61%  48% 66%

6 Improvement Priorities
Diminish the attainment gap for those pupils eligible for Pupil Premium Grant Focus on the achievement of boys in reading and writing Continue to develop children’s skills to reason and problem solve through using positive attitudes to learning including a growth mind-set and resilience Develop the learning environment to support children’s learning, e.g. working walls, inviting book corners interactive display Review the curriculum, particularly the foundation subjects and science to ensure coverage and develop exciting topic hooks Develop greater parental engagement in children’s learning 2.Developing exciting hooks to ensure that all children including boys are motivated to read/write -learning environment supports all learners – book corner competition 3.Developing children’s ability to think things through - choose the appropriate strategy – teachers to model thinking 5. Ensure that the curriculum is broad and balanced 6. Want all our parents and carers to be fully engaged with their child’s learning - school is part of the Family School Partnership Award – led by Mrs Jones and Mrs Matsuda - we want ideas

7 Your contribution to the priorities


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